Previous journal-clubs
24 Journal-clubs in 2018
| Sujet
| Présenté par
16 november 2017
| Gas-rich ultra-faint dwarf galaxies
ApJ 2017
A&A 2016
ApJ 2013
| Elizabeth Adams
Netherland Inst. Radio Astronomy (ASTRON), Netherland
9 november 2017
| From seed to supermassive: simulating the origin, evolution and impact of massive black holes
| Ricarda Beckmann
2 november 2017
| Getting ready for JWST: new-generation spectral models and interpretation tools
| Jacopo Chevallard
19 october 2017
| The birth of the giant: massive galaxies at the dawn of galaxy formation
ApJ 2016
Nature 2017
MNRAS 2014
| Roberto Decarli
Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy
12 october 2017
| Evolution of the cluster optical galaxy luminosity function in the CFHTLS: breaking the degeneracy between mass and redshift
| Florian Sarron
21 september 2017
| Signatures of the first stars from the near and far
| Jarrett Johnson
Center for Theoretical Astrophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Etats-Unis
15 september 2017
| Measurement of nearby galaxies' morphology by deep learning
Joint with journal-club Machine Learning
| Nino Vieillard
1 september 2017
| The [CII] emission as a universal molecular gas mass tracer in galaxies
| Anita Zanella
ESO, Garching, Germany
29 june 2017
| The vertical distribution of supernovae in host disk galaxies
| Artur Hakobyan
Byurakan Astrophisical Observatory, Armenia
22 june 2017
| Star formation quenching in gas-rich barred galaxies
| Sergey Khoperskov
GEPI, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
15 june 2017
| Transitional galaxies across different environments
| Paulo Lopes
Obs. Valongo, Univ. Federal Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
8 june 2017
| A new prescription for AGN feedback in the Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution model
| Mojtaba Raouf
Inst. Theoretical Physics Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran
1 june 2017
| Reverse engineering galaxies: the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS)
| John Cannon
Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Macalaster College, Saint Paul, Minnessota, USA
18 may 2017
| Star formation and the interstellar medium in dwarf galaxies
| Thorsten Naab
Max Planck Inst. Astrophysics, Garching, Germany
11 may 2017
| The Milky Way as an M* galaxy: mass growth and quenching
A&A 2016
A&A 2013
| Misha Haywood
GEPI, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
20 april 2017
| Group density profiles out to ten virial radii
| Marina Trevisan
6 april 2017
| Cosmological constraints from shear peaks with KiDS
| Nicolas Martinet
Argelander-Inst. Astronomie, Univ. Bonn, Germany
30 march 2017
| How hot is a relativistic jet?
| Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu
INAF, Oss. Astron. Catania, Italia
23 march 2017
| Can we use deep learning to build a likelihood?
| Jean-Marc Delouis
9 march 2017
| AGN Feedback in gas-rich galaxies
| Alex Wagner
IAP, Center Computational Sciences, Tsukuba Univ., Japan
2 march 2017
| Signatures of intermittency in small and large-scale turbulent flows
| Pierre Guillard
23 february 2016
| Radio emission as proxy to supermassive black hole accretion history in powerful type 2 AGN
| Guillaume Drouart
International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin Univ., Perth, Australia
9 february 2017
| Cool core cyles: cold gas and AGN feedback in galaxy clusters
| Arif Babul
Dept. Astronomy, Univ. Victoria, Canada
26 january 2017
| Cosmic web analysis in the SDSS main galaxy sample and implications for galaxy colors
| Florent Leclercq
Inst. Cosmology Gravitation (ICG), Univ. Portsmouth, Royaume-Uni
Image : D1 Deep Field from the Legacy Survey of the Canada-France-Hawaï Telescope (CFHTLS)
TERAPIX Data Processing Center (CNRS/INSU - IAP - CEA)