Research Group
"Origin and Evolution of Galaxies"
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Summary of a journal-club

Date Subject Presented by
14 april 2005 Gasping star formation in gas-rich dwarf galaxies

Blue Compact Dwarf and Dwarf Irregular galaxies are generally believed to be unevolved objects, due to their blue colors, compact appearance and large gas fractions. Many of these objects show an ongoing intense burst of star formation or have experienced it in the recent past. By means of 2-D hydrodynamical simulations, coupled with detailed chemical yields originating from SNeII, SNeIa and intermediate-mass stars, we study the dynamical and chemical evolution of model galaxies with structural parameters similar to IZw18 and NGC1569. Bursts of star formation with short duration are not able to account for the chemical and morphological properties of these galaxies. The best way to reproduce the chemical composition of these objects is by assuming long-lasting episodes of star formation and a more recent burst, separated from the previous episodes by a short quiescent period. The last burst of star formation, in most of the explored cases, does not affect the chemical composition of the galaxy observable in HII regions, since the enriched gas produced by young stars is in a too hot phase to be detectable with the optical spectroscopy.
Simone Recchi

Astron. Inst., Univ. Wien

Image : D1 Deep Field from the Legacy Survey of the Canada-France-Hawaï Telescope (CFHTLS)
TERAPIX Data Processing Center (CNRS/INSU - IAP - CEA)