Christophe Pichon

Bibliographic information

Date of Birth :          born 7 May 1968,  Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine) France;

Phone/Email/Web : 33 (0)1 44 32 81 35


2020- Research Director DR1 IAP/UMR 7095

Spring 2018 SUPA Visiting scholar, Scottish University Physics Alliance, Edinburgh . 

Autumn 2015-20 KIAS Visiting scholar, Korean Institute of Advanced Studies, Seoul . 

Spring 2015 CNRS Overseas Visiting fellow, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge . 

Autumn 2013 Sackler Visiting fellow, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge . 

2011- 2020 Research Director DR2 IAP/UMR 7095

2010-11 Merton College Visiting fellow, Merton College . 

2009- 2010 Leverhulme visiting professor, Merton College , Oxford Astrophysics . 

2004- 2008 Researcher, CR1, CNRS, UMR 7095, Institut d’astrophysique de Paris. 

          Head of research group “Universe & large scale structures”, IAP.

1998-2001  Junior Researcher, CR2, CNRS, UMR 7550, Observatoire de Strasbourg.

1995-1998  Postdoc, Basel Observatory. 

1993-1995  Postdoc, Canadian institute of theoretical astrophysics (CITA). 

1990-1993  Ph.D. (Theorical Astronomy) University of Cambridge & Clare College, Cambridge, U.K. 

                    Ph.D supervisor: D. Lynden-Bell.  topic: “Dynamics of self-gravitating discs.” 

1988-1990  Master II: Astrophysique et Techniques Spatiales at Meudon.  

                   Master I & Magistère of the Ecole normale superieure de Lyon

1986-1988  “Classes préparatoires mathématiques supérieures et spéciales”. Paris & Nantes. 



2015-2024  KIAS Scholar professorship, Seoul  

2015          CNRS overseas fellowship, Cambridge  

2013          Sackler Fellowship, Cambridge  

2010          Merton visiting professorship, Oxford  

2009- 2010 Leverhulme professorship, Oxford  

1992          Knight Prize (University of Cambridge) “Bars in galaxies: a dynamical formation

1990-1996 Isaac Newton Studentship, British Council Studentship,  Bourse Erasmus, 

Bourse MRT, NSERC Fellowship, Swiss National Fund Fellowship. 

1988          Ecole normale de Lyon (63rd) 


I have (co-)supervised nineteen PhD students, eleven of whom have now permanent positions.

D. Aubert  : “Étude des flux cosmologiques au travers de la sphère du viriel Galactique PDF, 

E. Rollinde : “La physique du milieu intergalactique"  PDF, with P. Petitjean, 

A. Siebert   : “Structure et dynamique des disques de la Galaxie PDF, with O. Bienaymé, 

P. Ocvirk   : “Évolution chemo-spectro-dynamique des disques galactiques  PDF,with A. Lançon, 

B. Aracil    : “Étude du milieu intergalactique à l’aide des raies d’absorptions PDF,with P. Petitjean,

S. Caucci    : “La topologie du Milieu intergalactique PDF, with P. Petitjean,

T. Sousbie  : “Le Squelette de l’univers, un outil d'analyse des grandes structures PDF,with H. Courtois, 

J. Thiébaut :"Reconstruction de champs magnetiques par analyse de la polarisation du rayonnement synchrotron", PDF,with S Prunet, 

C. Gay      :  "Le Squelette des Grandes Structures de Univers" PDF, with D. Pogosyan

S. Codis    :  De la cosmologie a la formation des galaxies : que nous apprennent les grandes structures de l'Univers? PDF, with D. Pogosyan

C. Welker     :  How gas inflows and mergers shape galaxies in their cosmic environment. PDF, with J. Devriendt and Y. Dubois

J.B Fouvry:  Secular evolution of self-gravitating systems over cosmic age PDF,with J. Binney

C. Laigle:  Observational and theoretical constraints on galaxy evolution at high redshift PDF, with H McCraken

C. Cadiou: on the morphology of galaxies in Lagrangian space, with Y. Dubois. PDF, with Y. Dubois

C. Gouin:  on strong lensing as a probe of the cosmic web PDF, with R. Gavazzi

S. Rozier:  Linear Stability of Rotating Stellar Clusters PDF, with J.B. Fouvry

K. Tep:  Secular evolution of Stellar Clusters PDF, with J.B. Fouvry

M. Roule:  Theorie cinetique des systemes stellaires autogravitants PDF, with J.B. Fouvry

E. Ko:  The emergence of thin discs PDF, with J. Devriendt


D. Lynden-Bell,  Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, CB4 OHA, Cambridge, UK.

E. Bertschinger, MIT  77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA, 

J. Binney,  Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3NP, UK.


Scientific committee of IAP: Head of research group “Universe & large scale structures” 

Scientific committee of Strasbourg Observatory & section 34.

PI of ANR SEGAL (500kE). 

PI of ANR SPINE (500kE). 

Co-I of ANR Horizon (500kE). 

Member of ANR CosmicSpheres/DeepDip/MITIV/BOSS/EcoStat/Planck

ACI-young researcher. Funding from PNC, PNG, GDR-galaxies.

Teaching in Master-III, BsC. 

Observing time in collaboration at AAT,CFHT, Calar Alto, HST, NTT & VLT.

Computing time in collaboration at CINES, IDRIS, CCRT & UKAFF ; 

System manager of IAP & Infinity clusters & Pleyades in Strasbourg.