Bandeau-IAP IAP Ohio CRAL

WMAP1 cosmological parameters

The calibrations have been derived from the "Horizon-MareNostrum" hydrodynamical simulation using WMAP1 cosmological parameters (Spergel et al. 2003):
ΩM=0.3ΩΛ=0.7ΩB=0.045 H0=70.0 km/s/Mpc n=1 σ8=0.9

The probability distribution P(Fs|1+δs):
- Fs: Flux smoothed at the BOSS resolution.
- 1+δs: DM overdensity smoothed at σ=0.3, 0.5, 0.696 or 1.0 Mph/h.

Ex: DM, Flux: real space, for several choices of 1+δs

Download binary or fits files (~7.7M):
DM smoothingReal-spaceRedshift-space
0.3 Mpc/h .bin      .fits .bin      .fits
0.5 Mpc/h .bin      .fits .bin      .fits
0.696 Mpc/h.bin      .fits .bin      .fits
1.0 Mpc/h .bin      .fits .bin      .fits
The code read_prob.c can be used to read the binary files.

NB: The transmitted Flux field is always smoothed at the BOSS scales (0.696 Mpc/h). We also do not provide tabulations for real-space DM density field to predict the redshift-space spectra.

Structure of binary files:

The binary files are organized as follows (blocks are delimited by dummy variables indicating the size of the blocks for FORTRAN compatibility)

dummyint(4B) 1= 8
F_spaceint(4B)10: real-space
1: redshift-space
DM_spaceint(4B)10: real-space
1: redshift-space
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
F_smoothingfloat(4B)10.696 Mpc/h (BOSS)
DM_smoothingfloat(4B)10.3, 0.5, 0.696 or 1.0 Mpc/h
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
dim1int(4B)1dimension of P(Fs|1+δs) at a given 1+δs
dim2int(4B)1dimension of the arrays 1+δs
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
min_log_rhofloat(4B)1minimum value of log(1+δs)=Δmin
max_log_rhofloat(4B)1maximum value of log(1+δs)=Δmax
dummyint(4B) 1= 8
dummyint(4B) 1= dim1*dim2*8
Pdouble(8B)dim1*dim21...dim1:                 P(Fs1)
1+dim1...2dim1:   P(Fs2)


Δmin1< Δmin+b
Δmin+b <Δ2< Δmin+2b
dummyint(4B) 1= dim1*dim2*8

Structure of fits files (example):
SIMPLE= T / true FITS file
BITPIX= -64 / bits per pixel
NAXIS= 2 / number of dimensions
NAXIS1= 1000 / length of 1st dimension: P(F|1+δs)
NAXIS2= 1000 / length of 2nd dimension: 1+δs
F_SPACE= Redshift-space / Trans. Flux field is computed in redshift-space
F_SPACE= Redshift-space / DM density field is computed in redshift-space
F_SMOOTH= 0.696 / Flux smoothing scale in Mpc/h (here BOSS scale)
DM_SMOOTH= 0.300 / DM smoothing scale in Mpc/h
MIN_LOG_RHO (Δmin) = -1.441020 / Minimal value of log10 of the DM overdensity
MAX_LOG_RHO (Δmax) = 1.530900 / Maximal value of log10 of the DM overdensity

TAB = array(double, NAXIS1, NAXIS2)

ex: TAB(542,)=P(F|Δ542) where:
Δmin+541*b <Δ542< Δmin+b*542

Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris  |  Contact: peirani AT