LyMAS-2 paper released
NEW MOCKS (at BOSS resolution) = 5 realizations for 1 Gpc/h side and 1 realization for 1.5 Gpc/h side
December 2016: ''Mapping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH) I: Methodology'', Cai et al., published in ApJ (paper)
October 2016: ''Modeling Lyman-α Forest Cross-Correlation with LyMAS'', Lochhaas et al., published in MNRAS (paper)
January 2015: LyMAS acknowleges support from the Programme National de la Cosmologie et Galaxies (PNCG).
June 2014: new mocks ready: WMAP7 - 1 Gpc/h or 300 Mpc/h - z=2.5 (AGN and noAGN calibrations). The fiducial mocks have been derived from
a Gadget simulation using 20483 particles. Several mocks have been produced from different simulations with 10243
particles to study cosmic variance, etc...
March 2014: LyMAS method paper published in ApJ (paper)
January 2014: LyMAS acknowleges support from the Programme National de la Cosmologie et Galaxies (PNCG).
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris
| Contact: peirani AT iap.fr