Understanding PolSpice results
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Known Bugs
Q: I am getting weird or negative C(ℓ) values for TT (or EE or BB) auto-spectrum. Is there something wrong?
A: This is not un-expected, especially if you are analysing a small fraction of the sky (ie fsky ≪ 1).
PolSpice returns an un-biased estimator of the C(ℓ), whose average (on many different random realisations of the same model) converges toward the true spectrum. However, as for any estimator, the C(ℓ) returned for a particular sky will oscillate around this expected value, with a variance inversely proportional to fsky.
Since PolSpice does not impose the positivity of the auto-spectra, this may lead to weird or negative auto-spectrum values (or large positive values at places where a vanishing result was expected).
To mitigate those fluctuations one can:
- make sure that
apodizesigma and
are set to values close to the diameter of the sky of patch being analyzed.
For instance: apodizesigma ~ thetamax ~ 180 deg when fsky > 0.5,
apodizesigma ~ thetamax ~ 20 deg when fsky =0.01.
Tweaking their values will change the amplitude and period of the spurious oscillations.
The relation between the CSpice(ℓ) produced by PolSpice and the "true" underlying Ctrue(ℓ)
is in average given by
CSpice(ℓ1) = Σℓ2 K(ℓ1,ℓ2)Ctrue(ℓ2)
where the kernels K, made available for temperature and polarization with
kernelsfileout, depend on
apodizetype, apodizesigma, nlmax, thetamax
(but not on the signal map nor on the pixel mask or weightfile).
See Eqs. (56-60), (62) and (91) of
Chon et al (2004) and
the FITS header of kernelsfileout for details;
- regressing out the best fit monopole and dipole
(subav and
subdipole options) is always a good idea,
especially when some pixels are masked, or down weighted;
- use an apodized
weightfile instead of a boolean
maskfile, to reduce the cross-talk between multipoles;
The F90 facility
or its IDL wrapper
can be used to apodize a mask.
- and finally, since it is not possible to measure properly individual multipoles in the presence of small fsky
one should bin the output C(ℓ), with roughly Δℓ ~ 1/fsky.
The Healpix/IDL routine
or the python routine
can be used to do so.
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Q: Why do I get spurious EE and BB spectra on cut sky polarized maps?
A: When analyzing polarized cut-sky maps (ie with a maskfile and/or weightfile and with polarization=YES),
- it is important to set
decouple=YES to reduce the E/B coupling induced by the pixel masking;
- decreasing the
tolerance keyword (which quantifies the relative error accepted on numerical integrals)
from its default value of 1.e-5 can also improve the EE and BB spectra accuracy,
at the cost of longer compute times.
In the case of Planck-like apodized masks (fsky ~ 0.5),
it was found on ideal simulations with a Planck-like input model and vanishing BB,
that setting tolerance=1.e-6 improved the accuracy of the recovered EE at larger multipoles,
and that of BB at all scales, with a negligible cost in CPU or wall-clock time.
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Q: Can I make Spice run faster, especially in the Monte-Carlo analysis of many maps?
A: Version v03-04-01 (of Aug 2017) of PolSpice has been optimized for speed in high multipole (nlmax) analysis.
However, when analyzing a polarized map, one of the most costly steps of PolSpice remains the computation
of a normalization function for the produced TE (and TB) spectra, which depends on the parameters
nlmax, and
A key ingredient of this calculation is the TE kernel (or the sum over its rows) which can be exported and re-imported with a combination of
windowfileout and
in all PolSpice versions, or the less disk-space hungry
tenormfileout and
tenormfilein in version 03-04-01 and above.
Therefore, when many (pairs of) polarized maps are analyzed with the parameters
nlmax, and
set to a fixed value,
as in the case for Monte-Carlo simulations of a given observation,
it may save a lot of CPU time to set,
- In all PolSpice versions:
on the first run:
windowfilein=NO, windowfileout= a FITS_file_name1,
on all subsequent runs:
windowfileout=NO, windowfilein= same FITS_file_name1.
The FITS file thus generated will have a size in MB of 67x(nlmax/2048)2;
- In version v03-04-01 and above:
on the first run:
tenormfilein=NO, tenormfileout= a FITS_file_name2,
on all subsequent runs:
tenormfileout=NO, tenormfilein= same FITS_file_name2.
The FITS file thus generated will have a size in kB of 60x(nlmax/2048).
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Q: Can I read arbitrary extensions and/or columns from a FITS file?
A: The extension and columns to be read can be specified in
- To read columns 2,3 and 6 (1 based), named for instance TEMP, SQ, X from file map.fits, you can use
mapfile=map.fits[col 2,3,6] or
mapfile=map.fits[col teMp, Sq, X] or
mapfile=map.fits[col te*, s*, X*].
- To read extension 2 (1 based), named for instance SKY from file map.fits, you can use
mapfile=map.fits[2] or
- These filters can be combined, eg
mapfile=map.fits[2][col 2,3,6]
These CFITSIO features require PolSpice to be compiled with a recent version of Healpix (3.10 or more).
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Q: What is the double precision compilation?
A: Because of the multithreading (= parallel execution) used in PolSpice and the aggressive
optimization performed by current compilers, two consecutive runs with the same input data and parameters
can see their numerical operations done in different order, which, because of round-off errors,
may lead to slightly different final results.
Starting with version v03-05-01,
PolSpice is by default compiled in 'Double Precision', allowing for smaller round-off errors
and better reproducibility of the results, at the cost of larger memory foot-prints, and a bit longer computation times.
Compilation in the original 'Single Precision' setting remains possible
(see the INSTALL document in PolSpice top directory).
This change in precision concerns only large arrays used as intermediate variables,
so that whatever the precision chosen, the input maps, masks and weights can be read indifferently
from single or double precision FITS files, and the ouput C(ℓ) will always be in double precision FITS files.
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Updated 2018-11-05
For unlisted problems, contact Eric Hivon (hivon
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