Known Problems in PolSpice

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1. Do not forget OpenMP flags! (2014-11-13)

If HEALPix was compiled with OpenMP (parallel compilation for shared memory architecture), so must be PolSpice.
It means for instance that in the PolSpice Makefile, the FCFLAGS variable should contain the flag -fopenmp when compiling with gfortran,
or the flag -openmp (or -qopenmp or -fopenmp) when compiling with Intel's ifort.

2. Keyword Problems in PolSpice C(l) FITS files (2014-05-02)

When linked with HEALPix 3.11, PolSpice (optionally) produces angular power spectrum FITS files that may confuse some FITS reading facilities. In particular, recent versions of the python module pyfits (including 3.1.1 and 3.2.2) may choke when reading such a C(l) FITS file.
For instance, typing in python
import pyfits"cl.fits")

will issue an error message like
VerifyError Traceback (most recent call last)
VerifyError: Unparsable card (CONTINUE), fix it first with .verify('fix').

to solve this problem, type
import pyfits"cl.fits")

This is due to a problem in the long string keyword FITS writing in the version 3.11 of HEALPix/F90, and has been fixed in HEALPix 3.20 (released in Dec 2014).

For unlisted problems, contact Eric Hivon (hivon at iap dot fr)
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