Anthony Challinor (Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge, UK),
Gayoung Chon (LBL, Berkeley, USA),
Stéphane Colombi (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France),
Eric Hivon (IPAC/Caltech, USA & IAP),
Simon Prunet (Univ. of Toronto, Canada & IAP),
István Szapudi (Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii, USA).
This Fortran90 program measures the 2 point auto (or cross-) correlation functions w(θ) and the angular auto- (or cross-) power spectra C(ℓ) from one or (two) sky map(s) of Stokes parameters (intensity I and linear polarisation Q and U). It is based on the fast Spherical Harmonic Transforms allowed by isolatitude pixelisations such as HEALPix [for Npix pixels over the whole sky, and a C(ℓ) computed up to ℓ=ℓmax, PolSpice complexity scales like Npix1/2 ℓmax2 instead of Npix ℓmax2]. It corrects for the effects of the masks and can deal with inhomogeneous weights given to the pixels of the map. In the case of polarised data, the mixing of the E and B modes due to the cut sky and pixel weights can be corrected for to provide an unbiased estimate of the "magnetic" (B) component of the polarisation power spectrum. Most of the code is parallelized for shared memory (SMP) architecture using OpenMP.
Main input files are the
sky maps to analyse, and the pixel masks and weights if any. Those can be either in
binary format or in
Planck-HFI internal
I/O format/DMC database objects.
Main input parameters are file names, and various options such as (gaussian) beam window correction, pixel window correction, noise substraction, angular range of the correlation functions and apodization angle.
Output w(θ) and C(ℓ) are plain text or FITS files or DMC objects.
empirical TT C(ℓ) covariance matrix can be produced.
Extra features:
The maps can be either in RING or NESTED scheme. They can be in full-sky or cut-sky format.
In the case of cross-correlation, the 2 maps being analyzed should have the same coordinates
but can have been observed with different beams, and can have different pixel sizes (ie, different Nside, since v03-03-01).
The mask and weighting scheme applied to each map should have the same Nside as the map to which they apply;
they can be different for each map but should spatially overlap.
A different pixel mask can be applied to the intensity and polarization components of the map(s).
The best fit monopole and dipole can be regressed out of unmasked pixels before the analysis (since version 02-05-08)
IDL routines
are provided to run PolSpice and read its results from
or its free clones
GDL or
A python routine
is provided to run PolSpice from python 2 and 3.
Standard Healpix/IDL and healpy tools can be used to visualize PolSpice outputs.
For instance, IDL
( and
python (
routines are available to bin the output C(ℓ), as discussed here.
If linked with Healpix 3.10 or above, arbitrary extensions and columns can be read from the input FITS files.
More details on the theory can be found in
Spice C(ℓ) Estimator:
Chon G. et al, 2004, MNRAS 350, 914
Szapudi, Prunet & Colombi, 2001, ApJ 548, 115
C(ℓ) Covariance Matrix:
Efstathiou G., 2004, MNRAS 349, 603
Challinor & Chon, 2005, MNRAS 360, 509
Other cut sky C(ℓ) estimators:
Hivon E. et al, 2002, ApJ 567, 2
Ponthieu N. et al, 2011, A&A 535, A90
Alonso D. et al, 2019, MNRAS, 484, 4127
Examples of PolSpice application to data analysis
CMB Science:
2yr data analysis:
paper (Chiang et al, 2009; arXiv:0906.1181),
data product
CMBPol Mission Concept Study: Prospects for polarized foreground removal (Dunkley et al, 2008; arXiv:0811.3915)
2015 and
frequency maps (auto and cross) angular power spectra
Gravitational Lensing & Dark Matter:
Dark Energy Survey data analysis:
Cross-correlation of gravitational lensing from DES Science Verification data with SPT and Planck lensing
Neutrino & High Energy Particule Science:
IceCube data analysis:
Observation of Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Galactic Cosmic Rays at Multiple Angular Scales with IceCube
Requirements for installation:
Fortran90 compiler (some are available for free for Unix, Linux, MacOSX and Windows, such as
C compiler (since version v03-06-01),
Fortran90 library (3.60 or more required for v03-06-01 and above, 3.20 or more is OK for previous releases),
cfitsio library (also required by HEALPix, which needs cfitsio 3.20 or more, 3.44 or more is recommended by cfitsio developers; version 4.1.0 or more is required for Fortran codes running on Apple's ARM chips).
Nice to have:
Although not required, pkgconfig
and/or CMake will make the compilation and installation easier.
Problems with PolSpice?
Note 1: versions v02-08-00 and v03-00-01 require the flag -ffree-line-length-0 flag when compiled with gfortran
README in html
Known bugs
Questions (and answers) on PolSpice usage and its results
Downloading Spice
Version | Type | Date | Features |
README.html | Documentation | 2022-08-24 | latest release documentation (also included in release tarball) |
HISTORY | History | 2022-08-24 | code modification history (also included in release tarball) |
INSTALL | Installation | 2022-08-24 | How to install the code (also included in release tarball) |
v03-08-01 | tar.gz archive | 2023-12-22 |
latest release:
v03-07-05 | tar.gz archive | 2022-08-24 |
previous release:
v03-07-04 | tar.gz archive | 2022-05-13 |
old release:
v03-07-03 | tar.gz archive | 2021-06-04 |
old release:
v03-07-02 | tar.gz archive | 2020-11-06 |
old release: - fixes a bug preventing the co-analysis of 2 maps with only of them masked (reported by E. Camphuis), - now accepts ~ and $ in input file names. |
v03-07-01 | tar.gz archive | 2020-10-20 |
old release: - fixes a bug affecting the alm dumped in the case of small maps (with fsky < 0.25) |
v03-07-00 | 2020-10-16 |
old release: - fixes several bugs, including one causing the code to crash when run as a command line (ie, without the IDL or python interfaces and; reported by G. Addison and A. Zonca), - expanded documentation of kernelsfileout (look at header of generated FITS file for more details). | |
v03-06-09 | 2020-09-22 |
old release: - the aℓm coefficients of the (masked and/or weighted) map(s) can now be dumped into FITS file(s) thanks to the parameters alm1fileout and alm2fileout. Those FITS files can be read in python with healpy.read_alm and in IDL with HEALPix's fits2alm. | |
v03-06-08 | tar.gz archive | 2020-05-26 |
old release: - systematically sort partial sky maps, masks and weights on pixel index for easier combination and to detect duplicate pixels |
v03-06-07 | tar.gz archive | 2020-05-22 |
old release: - fixed segmentation fault in ClxCl covariance matrix (problem reported by Etienne Camphuis), - added omp_num_threads, kernelsfileout, noiseclfile, noisecorfile and normfac to |
v03-06-06 | tar.gz archive | 2020-04-10 |
old release: - maps, masks and weights can be a mixture of full-sky and partial-sky objects - debugged parsing of input text C(l) files (both problems reported by Wei Quan) |
v03-06-04 | tar.gz archive | 2020-02-04 |
old release: - bug correction in mask and weight reading, - made compliant with gfortran compiler (both problems reported by Loris Colombo) |
v03-06-02 | tar.gz archive | 2020-01-30 |
old release:
- bug correction in reading mask(s) and/or weight(s) for polarisation, - partial IQU FITS files, as generated by healpy, can be read, - improved |
v03-06-01 | 2019-12-20 |
old release:
- requires HEALPix 3.60 (released Dec 2019) or more - smaller memory footprint, especially for small maps (fsky < 25%) stored in cut-sky format - requires a C compiler | |
v03-05-02 | 2019-06-06 |
old release: - now runs in python2 and python3 (kudos to J. Allingham) | |
v03-05-01 | 2018-01-16 |
old release: - double precision compilation now proposed by default (see FAQ for details), - a compilation with CMake now possible (see INSTALL document, in PolSpice top directory). | |
v03-04-01 | 2017-08-29 |
old release: - much faster TT, EE, BB and TE kernels calculation with optimized Wigner 3J symbols recursion (based on routines provided by Franz Elsner), - tenormfileout can now be used instead of windowfileout to save time and disk space on TE calculation (see FAQ for details), - faster analysis of small patches by ignoring empty rings, - reshuffled Makefile_template to accommodate new code and allow multi-job compilation (make -j). | |
v03-03-02 | 2017-04-07 | old release: - kernelsfileout now outputs apodization induced kernel even for Temperature only analysis (see FAQ for details) | |
v03-03-01 | 2017-02-21 | old release: - support for cross-correlation of maps with discrepant pixel sizes (Nside) - introduction of python routine to bin output C(ℓ) | |
v03-02-00 | 2016-08-09 | old release: * bug correction in reading of polarized cut-sky FITS maps (thanks to Tilman Troester); * improvements to - documentation header, - deal with 9-column ASCII outputs; * improvements to by Kyle Story: - added corfile argument to output angular correlation functions, - more efficient search for spice executable. | |
v03-01-06 | 2015-10-12 | old release: - when 2 polarized maps are cross-correlated, 9 or 6 spectra are computed, depending on symmetric_cl setting - introduced tolerance keyword for E/B decoupling - bugs correction in keyword parsing - new python wrapper ( - bugs correction and improvements in IDL wrapper ( - add SUBDIPOL in output FITS header | |
v03-00-03 | 2015-03-02 | old release: - fixes bug with un-initialized map variables (addresses Nside≤32 problem described on cosmocoffee) - all lines are now shorter than 132 characters (default gfortran limit) HEALPix 3.20 or more recommended. | |
v03-00-01 | 2014-04-14 | old release: - added listmapfiles*_* and listmapweights*_* options to allow linear combination of input maps - computes correctly cross-power spectrum of 2 maps when the first one is masked or weighted (maskfile and/or weightfile are set), and the second one is not (maskfile2 and weightfile2 not set) - turned-off monopole and dipole removal on (Q,U) maps in mask (and weight) free cases - correct default value of extramap* in example parameter file (--help option) See Note 1 above | |
v02-09-00 | 2013-03-29 | old release: makes use of CFTISIO Extended File Name features available in HEALPix 3.10 and above, allowing the reading of arbitrary FITS extensions and columns in beam_file*, mapfile* and maskfile*. HEALPix 3.10 or more recommended. |
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