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functions in std.i - p


             pc_primitives, file  
     sets FILE primitive data types to be native to IBM PC.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2168  

     roughly 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288  
keyword,  defined at i0/std.i   line 551  

             poly(x, a0, a1, a2, ..., aN)  
     returns the polynomial  A0 + A1*x + A2*x^2 + ... + AN*X^N  
     The data type and dimensions of the result, and conformability rules  
     for the inputs are identical to those for the expression.  
builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 655  

             f= popen(command, mode)  
     opens a pipe to COMMAND, which is executed as with the system  
     function.  If MODE is 0, the returned file handle is open for  
     reading, and you are reading the stdout produced by COMMAND.  
     If MODE is 1, f is opened for writing and you are writing to  
     the stdin read by COMMAND.  
builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1325  
SEE ALSO: open,   system  

     returns text representing expression X, equivalent to print(X)(1).  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 434  
SEE ALSO: print,   swrite  

             print, object1, object2, object3, ...  
          or print(object1, object2, object3, ...)  
     prints an ASCII representation of the OBJECTs, in roughly the format  
     they could appear in Yorick source code.  When invoked as a subroutine  
     (in the first form), output is to the terminal.  When invoked as a  
     function (int the second form), the output is stored as a vector of  
     strings, one string per line that would have been output.  
     Printing a structure definition prints the structure definition;  
     printing a function prints its "func" definition; printing files,  
     bookmarks, and other objects generally provides some sort of  
     useful description of the object.  
builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 419  
SEE ALSO: pr1,   print_format,   write,   exit,   error,  
nameof,   typeof  

             print_format, line_length, char=, short=, int=, float=,  
                           double=, complex=, pointer=  
     sets the format string the print function will use for each of  
     the basic data types.  Yorick format strings are the same as the  
     format strings for the printf function defined in the ANSI C standard.  
     The default strings may be restored individually by setting the  
     associated format string to ""; all defaults are restored if  
     print_format is invoked with no arguments.  The default format strings  
     are:  "0x%02x", "%d", "%d", "%ld", "%g", "%g", and "%g%+gi".  
     Note that char and short values are converted to int before being  
     passed to printf, and that float is converted to double.  
     If present, an integer positional argument is taken as the line  
     length; <=0 restores the default line length of 80 characters.  
builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 441  
SEE ALSO: print,   write,   nameof,   typeof  

             remaining= process_argv()  
       -or- remaining= process_argv("your startup message")  
     Performs standard command line processing.  This function is  
     invoked by the default custom.i file (in $Y_SITE/i); you  
     can also invoke it from your personal ~/yorick/custom.i file.  
     The process_argv calls get_argv, removes any arguments of  
     the form "-ifilename" or "-i filename" (the latter is a pair of  
     arguments.  It returns any arguments not of this form as its  
     result, after including any filenames it found in the order  
     they appeared on the command line.  
     The optional string argument may be an array of strings to print  
     a multi-line message.  
     A Yorick package may define the function get_command_line in  
     order to feed process_argv something other than get_argv.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1735  
SEE ALSO: batch  

          or ptcen(zncen, ireg)  
     returns point centered version of the 2-D zone centered array ZNCEN.  
     The result is imax-by-jmax if ZNCEN is (imax-1)-by-(jmax-1).  
     If the region number array IREG is specified, zones with region  
     number 0 are not included in the point centering operation.  
     Note that IREG should have dimensions imax-by-jmax; the first  
     row and column of IREG are ignored.  
     Without IREG, ptcen(zncen) is equivalent to zncen(pcen,pcen).  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2860  
SEE ALSO: zncen,   uncen