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Quick Reference

functions in std.i - j


             jc, file, ncyc  
     jump to the record of FILE nearest the specified NCYC.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2374  
SEE ALSO: jt,   _jc,   edit_times,   show,   jr  

             jr, file, i  
          or _jr(file, i)  
     Jump to a particular record number I (from 1 to n_records) in a  
     binary file FILE.  The function returns 1 if such a record exists,  
     0 if there is no such record.  In the latter case, no action is  
     taken; the program halts with an error only if jr was invoked  
     as a subroutine.  Record numbering wraps like array indices; use  
     jr, file, 0  to jump to the last record, -1 to next to last, etc.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2397  
SEE ALSO: jt,   jc,   edit_times,   show  

             jt, time  
          or jt, file, time  
          or jt, file  
          or jt, file, -  
     jump to the record nearest the specified TIME.  If no FILE is  
     specified, the current record of all open binary files containing  
     records is shifted.  
     If both FILE and TIME are specified and jt is called as a function,  
     it returns the actual time of the new current record.  
   N.B.: "jt, file" and "jt, file, -" are obsolete.  Use the jr function to  
     step through a file one record at a time.  
     If only the FILE is specified, increment the current record of that  
     FILE by one.  If the TIME argument is - (the pseudo-index range  
     function), decrement the current record of FILE by one.  
     If the current record is the last, "jt, file" unsets the current record  
     so that record variables will be inaccessible until another jt or jc.  
     The same thing happens with "jt, file, -" if the current record was the  
     If only FILE is specified, jt returns 1 if there is a new current  
     record, 0 if the call resulted in no current record.  Thus "jt(file)"  
     and "jt(file,-)" may be used as the condition in a while loop to step  
     through every record in a file:  
        file= openb("example.pdb");  
        do {  
          restore, file, interesting_record_variables;  
        } while (jt(file));  
interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2337  
SEE ALSO: jc,   _jt,   edit_times,   show,   jr