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functions in mpy.i - m


             if (catch(-1)) mp_abort  
     must be the first line of any function registered with mp_task.  
     This clears all pending messages, then blows up with an error,  
     so it does not return to the calling task.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 281  
SEE ALSO: mp_task,   mp_start  

             mp_bcast, mp_rank, msg  
             msg= mp_bcast(origin)  
          or msg= mp_bcast(origin, dimlist)  
     broadcast a message MSG from one process (the ORIGIN) to all other  
     processes, by means of a binary tree -- that is, each process  
     passes the message along to two others.  The ORIGIN argument must  
     have the same value on all processes; you cannot use mp_recv to  
     receive a message broadcast using mp_bcast.  The performance of  
     mp_bcast will probably be better than mp_send with a long to-list.  
     For receivers, the optional DIMLIST argument works as described  
     for mp_recv.  The returned msg will be scalar or 1D without it.  
     All processes can use the nfan= keyword (same value everywhere) to  
     have each distribute to nfan others instead of the default nfan=2.  
     If nfan=1, the message is passed in a daisy chain from one to the  
     next; if nfan=mp_size-1, mp_bcast reduces to a single mp_send.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 100  
SEE ALSO: mp_send,   mp_recv  

             mp_cd, dirname  
          or mp_cd  
     Change all processes to directory DIRNAME, or to the current  
     working directory of the rank 0 process if DIRNAME is not  
     specified.  Note that DIRNAME must exist for all processes.  
     Note also that the processes may start in different directories.  
     The mp_cd function is registered as a parallel task, so  
     it may only be invoked interactively from the rank 0 process  
     or from another file included there (see mp_task for a more  
     elaborate description).  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 359  
SEE ALSO: mp_task,   mp_rank,   mp_include  

             rank= mp_from()  
          or rank= mp_from(next)  
     returns the rank number of the process of the sender of the most  
     recently received message (or -1 if mp_recv has not been called  
     since the last mpy_sync).  
     If NEXT is non-nil and non-zero, returns the rank of the sender  
     of the *next* message mp_recv will produce.  If no message has  
     yet been posted, returns -1 if next==1.  This feature may be used  
     to test for the arrival of a message without blocking.  If next  
     is a non-zero value other than 1, mp_from will block until the  
     next message actually arrives.  
builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 167  
SEE ALSO: mp_recv,   mp_send,   mp_rank  

             mp_include, filename  
     include the specified FILENAME in all processes.  The FILENAME  
     argument is ignored in all but the rank 0 process, which is  
     assumed to be the orginal caller.  The FILENAME must be visible  
     to every process (normally in Y_SITE/include, Y_SITE/contrib,  
     ~/Yorick, or the current working directory - but see mp_cd in  
     the latter case).  
     The mp_include function is registered as a parallel task, so  
     it may only be invoked interactively from the rank 0 process  
     or from another file included there (see mp_task for a more  
     elaborate description).  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 327  
SEE ALSO: mp_task,   mp_rank,   mp_cd  

             ntasks= mp_partition(njobs, ntrips)  
          or ntasks= mp_partition(njobs, ntrips, master_works)  
   Partition NJOBS jobs into tasks to be distributed among slave  
   processes by mp_pool.  Typically, NJOBS will be the length of an  
   array of input variables, for example the number of rays to be  
   traced.  Each slave is to perform a task consisting of some number  
   of these individual jobs.  The idea is to pick a number of jobs  
   per task large enough that the overhead of message passing and of  
   carving up inputs then reassembling outputs is tolerable.  
   Conversely, the number of jobs per task should be small enough  
   that the pool of tasks will achieve reasonable load balancing by  
   requiring each slave to come back for a new task several times.  
   The NTRIPS argument is the number of tasks you would like each  
   slave to perform in order to achieve load balancing, bearing in  
   mind that if you choose it too large, you will increase the  
   overhead by partitioning your jobs into too many tasks.  The  
   minimum number of jobs for good load balancing is nslaves*NTRIPS.  
   The return value is the number of tasks into which you should  
   partition the NJOBS.  The mp_prange function can be used to  
   compute the job index range for the i-th such task.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 565  
SEE ALSO: mp_pool,   mp_prange  

             mp_pool, n_tasks, sow, work, reap, work0  
          or mp_pool, n_tasks, sow, work, reap  
   Implement pool-of-tasks parallel calculation.  In this model,  
   the master process on rank 0 has a number of tasks to be done,  
   which he wants to distribute to his slaves.  The pool of tasks  
   is hopefully larger than the number of slaves, so that as each  
   slave finishes, it can be assigned the next task in the pool,  
   achieving a simple form of load balancing.  The master can  
   optionally choose to do the next task when all slaves are busy,  
   or can just block until a slave finishes.  
   N_TASKS is the total number of tasks in the pool; the remaining  
   arguments are functions which carry out the various parts of  
   the particular calculation that mp_pool is managing:  
   func SOW(to, i)  
     mp_send, to, , , ...,   
     The SOW function will be called by mp_pool in order to send  
     the messages to a slave which will be received by the WORK  
     function.  Note that SOW only runs on the master process; it  
     is called by mp_pool, and has access to the local variables  
     of the caller of mp_pool, which it presumably will need in  
     order to figure out what to send for the i-th task.  Like  
     Yorick indices, i varies from 1 to N_TASKS.  The local variables  
     in the mp_pool function all have names beginning with "_p_", to  
     make it very unlikely that any variables local to its caller  
     will be shadowed.  
   func WORK  
     input1= mp_recv(dimsi1)  
     input2= mp_recv(dimsi2)  
     inputQ= mp_recv(dimsiQ)  
     mp_send, 0, , , ...,   
     The WORK function runs on a slave, so it does NOT have access  
     to any variables available to the caller of mp_pool on the  
     master process.  Therefore, WORK must be completely self-contained  
     so that all of the information it needs to do its job must arrive  
     in the form of the messages sent by SOW (or state information  
     previously sent to all slaves).  When finished, WORK sends  
     its results back to the master on rank 0; it has no other return  
   func REAP(i, m)  
     if (m==1) {  
       result1= mp_recv(dimsr1)  
     } else if (m==2) {  
       result2= mp_recv(dimsr2)  
     } else ...  
     } else if (m==R) {  
       resultR= mp_recv(dimsrR)  
     return (m==R)  
     The REAP function runs on the master to collect the results sent  
     from a slave by a WORK function.  Like SOW, it is called by mp_pool  
     on rank 0, and therefore has access to all the local variables of  
     the caller of mp_pool, into which REAP must store the results.  
     Because the slaves perform their tasks asynchronously, their return  
     messages may be interleaved.  That is, the first argument i to  
     REAP varies unpredictably in successive calls.  However, for a given  
     i, the second argument m will always begin at 1 and increment by one  
     on successive calls with that i.  Thus, it is possible to cope with  
     situations in which one result message determines the existence of  
     a subsequent message.  The return value of REAP informs mp_pool  
     when that slave has completed its task and is available for another,  
     by returning non-zero when m reaches the final message sent by work.  
     (The mp_pool function has actually peeked at the incoming message  
     to learn its origin, and therefore the corresponding task number i.  
     There is no reason for REAP to call mp_from.)  
   func WORK0(i)  
     If the optional WORK0 function is provided, and all slaves ever  
     busy, mp_pool will call WORK0 to have the master perform a task.  
     Like SOW and REAP, WORK0 always runs on rank0 and has access to the  
     local variables of the caller of mp_pool.  It should combine the  
     functions of SOW, WORK, and REAP without the message passing.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 393  
SEE ALSO: mp_task,   mp_partition,   mp_prange  

             range= mp_prange(i, ntasks, njobs)  
     return the job index range for the I-th of NTASKS, if the total  
     number of jobs is NJOBS.  This can be used in conjunction with  
     mp_partition and mp_pool.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 602  
SEE ALSO: mp_pool,   mp_partition  

             mp_rank, mp_size  
     set to the rank of this instance of Yorick in a message passing  
     group and the size (total number of processes) of the group at  
     startup.  DO NOT CHANGE THESE VALUES!  
     The rank is between 0 and size-1 inclusive; note that mp_rank  
     and mp_size will be nil if multiple processes are not present  
     (mp_size==1 is impossible).  
     The underlying notions are defined in the MPI (Message Passing  
     Interface) standard.  
keyword,  defined at i0/mpy.i   line 17  
SEE ALSO: mp_send,   mp_recv,   mp_task,   mp_include  

             msg= mp_recv()  
          or msg= mp_recv(dimlist)  
     receive the next message sent by mp_send from some other process.  
     The operation blocks until the next message arrives.  The mp_from  
     function can be used to determine who sent the message, or to  
     determine whether any message at all has arrived.  
     If DIMLIST is specified, it has the same format as for the array  
     function.  The arriving message must have the correct number of  
     elements for the DIMLIST, or a multiple of that number; the  
     result will have either those dimensions, or with an extra  
     dimension tacked on the end if the arriving message is a multiple.  
     (That is, you are really specifying the dimensions of the "cells"  
     of which the message is to be composed.)  By default (and as a  
     special case), the result of mp_recv will be either a scalar value,  
     or a 1D array of the same type as the matching send.  
     Each mp_recv gets one MSG from an mp_send.  Several messages from  
     one process to another are guaranteed to arrive in the order of  
     the mp_send calls, and within each call in the order of the  
     arguments to mp_send.  However, you are responsible for considering  
     how to handle the order of messages arriving from several processes.  
     If you wish to process message in a different order from that in  
     which they are received, you must implement the necessary queuing  
     functions yourself in interpreted code.  
     See mp_task for how to synchronize all the processes in order to  
     cleanly begin a parallel calculation.  
builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 65  
SEE ALSO: mp_send,   mp_rank,   mp_from,   mp_task,  
mp_include,   array  

             mp_send, to, msg  
          or mp_send, to, msg1, msg2, ...  
          or mp_send, to_list, msg1, msg2, ...  
     send MSG, MSG1, MSG2, ... to process whose rank is TO.  Each  
     MSG must be an array (or scalar) of type char, short, int, long,  
     float, double, or complex, or a scalar string.  
     If the object is to send a message to all other processes, the  
     binary tree broadcaster mp_bcast will probably be faster than  
     If TO_LIST is an array of rank numbers, then each MSG may be an  
     equal length array of pointers to send a different message to  
     each process in the TO_LIST, or one of the basic data types to  
     send the same message to each process in TO_LIST.  
     The mp_send operation blocks until the matching mp_recv operation  
     begins (for every message if multiple MSG or a TO_LIST are  
     specified).  However, within each mp_send, many messages may be  
     launched simultaneously (but never more than one at a time to  
     each process) -- the underlying MPI call is the non-blocking  
     synchronous send routine MPI_Issend.  
     See mp_task for how to synchronize all the processes in order to  
     cleanly begin a parallel calculation.  
builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 34  
SEE ALSO: mp_recv,   mp_bcast,   mp_rank,   mp_task,  

keyword,  defined at i0/mpy.i   line 17  
SEE mp_rank  

             mp_start, task  
     must be the second line of any function TASK which is registered  
     as a parallel task interface using mp_task.  See mp_task for the  
     required form of the TASK function.  
     The mp_start function resynchronizes all processes participating  
     in the parallel calculation.  Called from the rank 0 process,  
     mp_start arranges for TASK to be started without arguments on  
     all other processes; called from any other process, mp_start  
     is a no-op.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 253  
SEE ALSO: mp_task  

             mp_task, task  
     register the TASK function as a parallel processing function.  
     Each process must call mp_task to declare the same set of TASK  
     functions, therefore mp_task will normally be called from a  
     source file included by mp_include.  
     A TASK function must be have the following structure in order  
     to work properly:  
        func TASK(arg1, arg2, ...)  
          if (catch(-1)) mp_abort;  
          mp_start, TASK;  
          if (mp_rank) {  
            ...TASK will be invoked as a subroutine with no    ...  
            ...arguments in all but the rank 0 process         ...  
            ...when it returns, the process becomes idle       ...  
            ...so it no longer participates in the calculation ...  
            ...instead of returning, a non-rank 0 task may also...  
            ...choose to hang indefinitely in an mp_recv --    ...  
            ...it will exit via a caught error when the next   ...  
            ...registered task runs on the rank 0 process      ...  
          } else {  
            ...the interface to task -- it's arguments and return...  
            ...value -- are relevant only to the rank 0 process  ...  
            ...which must distribute startup messages and collect...  
            ...results from all other processes.  when the rank 0...  
            ...process decides the task is finished it returns a ...  
            ...result (or has side effects) which the user wants ...  
            ...the catch line is optional; if not present an     ...  
            ...error in the rank 0 process will leave the other  ...  
            ...processes running.  if the other processes        ...  
            ...might run communicating with each other and       ...  
            ...meaninglessly consuming resources, you should     ...  
            ...worry about this; if the other processes will     ...  
            ...halt without continuing messages from rank 0      ...  
            ...you don't need to bother with this                ...  
            return significant_value;  
        mp_task, TASK;  
     Only a registered task will start running on every process  
     in the parallel machine.  A registered task must never be  
     called during the execution of another registered task (since  
     a side effect of the mp_start call is to halt and resynchronize);  
     a registered task may only be called by the rank 0 process,  
     invoked either interactively or as the result of some other  
     interactive action (e.g.- a #include or an unregistered function  
     which calls the registered TASK function).  
     The mp_include, mp_cd, and mp_pool functions are initially the only  
     registered tasks; other tasks are generally defined and registered  
     in source files included as startup files for other packages or by  
     means of mp_include.  
interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 185  
SEE ALSO: mp_include,   mp_cd,   mp_pool,   mp_rank,  
mp_start,   mp_abort,   catch  

interpreted function, defined at i0/mpy.i   line 303  

builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 647  
SEE mpy_rank  

builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 647  

builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 647  
SEE mpy_rank  

builtin function, documented at i0/mpy.i   line 623