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Quick Reference

 * healpix.i - Read/write A(l,m) files.
 * $Id$
 * $Log$

local ALM_MAGIC ;

func alm_lmax (filename)
/* DOCUMENT alm_lmax(filename)
     Get value of LMAX in A(l,m) file FILENAME (can be used to assert
     validity of file).
   SEE ALSO: alm_read, alm_write. */
  hdr = array(long, 2);
  _read, open(filename, "rb"), 0, hdr;
  if (hdr(1) !=  ALM_MAGIC) error, "bad magic number in \""+filename+"\"";
  lmax = hdr(2);
  if (lmax < 0) error, "bad value of LMAX in \""+filename+"\"";
  return lmax;

func alm_read (filename, unpack=)
/* DOCUMENT alm_read(filename)
     Read data  in A(l,m)  file FILENAME.  If  keyword UNPACK is  true, the
     result  is a 2×(LMAX+1)×(LMAX+1)  array ortherwise  the result  is the
     lower triangular part of A(l,m) packed as a 2×NUMBER array where:
       NUMBER = 1 + LMAX*(LMAX + 3)/2
     In any case, the result is such that:
       RESULT(1,..)  = real part of the A(l,m)
       RESULT(2,..)  = imaginary part of the A(l,m)
   SEE ALSO: alm_lmax, alm_write. */
  f = open(filename, "rb");
  hdr = array(long, 2);
  _read, f, 0, hdr;
  if (hdr(1) !=  ALM_MAGIC) error, "bad magic number in \""+filename+"\"";
  lmax = hdr(2);
  if (lmax < 0) error, "bad value of LMAX in \""+filename+"\"";
  number = 1 + lmax*(lmax + 3)/2;
  data = array(float, 2, number);
  _read, f, sizeof(hdr), data;
  close, f;
  if (unpack) return alm_unpack(data);
  return double(data);

func alm_write (filename, a, overwrite=)
/* DOCUMENT  alm_write, filename, a;
     Write A(l,m) data stored in array A into file FILENAME.  If keyword
     OVERWRITE is true, FILENAME is overwritten if it already exists.
     Input array A can be a real 2×(LMAX+1)×(LMAX+1) array or a complex
     (LMAX+1)×(LMAX+1) array or only the lower triangular part of A(l,m)
     packed as a complex vector with NUMBER elements or a 2×NUMBER real
     array.  If A is real, then A(1,..) and A(2,..) are the real and
     imaginary parts of the A(l,m).
   SEE ALSO: alm_lmax, alm_read, alm_pack. */
  /* Make A into packed form. */
  local lmax;
  a = alm_pack(a, lmax);

  /* open binary file and write data
     (take care of log file and existing target) */
  if (! overwrite && open(filename, "r", 1))
    error, "file \""+filename+"\" already exists";
  logfile = filename + "L";
  if (open(logfile, "r", 1)) logfile = string(0);
  f = open(filename, "wb");
  if (logfile) remove, logfile;

  hdr = array(long, 2);
  hdr(1) = ALM_MAGIC;
  hdr(2) = lmax; /* LMAX */
  _write, f, 0, hdr;
  _write, f, sizeof(hdr), a;

func alm_pack (a, &lmax)
/* DOCUMENT alm_pack(a)
       -or- alm_pack(a, lmax)
     Returns packed A(l,m) data from array  A.  Input array A can be a real
     2×(LMAX+1)×(LMAX+1) array or a complex (LMAX+1)×(LMAX+1) array or only
     the lower  triangular part of A(l,m)  packed as a  complex vector with
     NUMBER elements or a 2×NUMBER real  array.  If A is real, then A(1,..)
     and  A(2,..) are  the real  and imaginary  parts of  the  A(l,m).  The
     result is an array of float's with dimension 2×NUMBER such that:
       RESULT(1, ) = real part of the A(l,m)
       RESULT(2, ) = imaginary part of the A(l,m)
     and with:
       NUMBER = 1 + LMAX*(LMAX + 3)/2.
     Optional argument  LMAX is  an output variable  to store the  value of
     the parameter.
   SEE ALSO: alm_unpack, alm_write. */
  /* Get significant triangular part of array (notation: N = LMAX + 1). */
  dims = dimsof(a);
  s = structof(a);
  local data;
  if (s == complex) {
    /* Input is COMPLEX. */
    if (dims(1) == 1) {
      number = dims(2);
      n = (long(sqrt(8*number + 1) + 0.5) - 1)/2;
      if (number == n*(n + 1)/2) {
        data = array(float, 2, number);
        data(1, ) = float(a);
        data(2, ) = a.im;
    } else if (dims(1) == 2) {
      if ((n = dims(2)) == dims(3)) {
        a_re = float(a);
        a_im = float(a.im);
        data = array(float, 2, n*(n + 1)/2);
        i = 1;
        for (l=1 ; l<=n ; ++l) {
          data(1, i:i+l-1) = a_re(l, 1:l);
          data(2, i:i+l-1) = a_im(l, 1:l);
          i += l;
  } else {
    /* Input is REAL. */
    if (dims(1) == 2) {
      if (dims(2) == 2) {
        number = dims(3);
        n = (long(sqrt(8*number + 1) + 0.5) - 1)/2;
        if (number == n*(n + 1)/2) data = float(a);
    } else if (dims(1) == 3) {
      if (dims(2) == 2 && (n = dims(3)) == dims(4)) {
        data = array(double, 2, n*(n + 1)/2);
        i = 1;
        for (l=1 ; l<=n ; ++l) {
          data( , i:i+l-1) = a( , l, 1:l);
          i += l;
        data = float(data);
  if (is_void(data)) error, "bad type/dimension list for input array";
  lmax = n - 1;
  return data;

func alm_unpack (ap)
/* DOCUMENT alm_unpack(ap)
     Unpack a 2×NUMBER array AP into a 2×(LMAX+1)×(LMAX+1) array
       NUMBER = 1 + LMAX*(LMAX + 3)/2
     In any case, the result is such that:
       RESULT(1,..)  = real part of the A(l,m)
       RESULT(2,..)  = imaginary part of the A(l,m)
   SEE ALSO: alm_pack, alm_read. */
  dims = dimsof(ap);
  if (structof(ap) == complex) error, "complex type not yet implemented";
  if (dims(1) == 2 && dims(2) == 2) {
    number = dims(3);
    n = (long(sqrt(8*number + 1) + 0.5) - 1)/2;
    if (number == n*(n + 1)/2) {
      ap = double(ap);
      a = array(double, 2, n, n);
      i = 1;
      for (l=1 ; l<=n ; ++l) {
        a( , l, 1:l) = ap( , i:i+l-1);
        i += l;
      return a;
  error, "bad dimension list for packed A(l,m) data";


func hmap_read (filename)
/* DOCUMENT hmap_read(filename)
     Read Healpix map from FITS file FILENAME.
   SEE ALSO: hmap_write. */
  /* I mus do something more sophisticated... */
  h = fits_open(filename, 'r');
  fits_next_hdu, h;
  if (fits_get(h, "XTENSION") != "BINTABLE")
    error, "expecting a FITS binary table";
  if (fits_toupper(fits_get(h, "PIXTYPE")) != "HEALPIX")
    error, "expecting PIXTYPE=HEALPIX";
  if (fits_toupper(fits_get(h, "ORDERING")) != "RING")
    error, "expecting ORDERING=RING";  
  if (is_void((nside = fits_get(h, "NSIDE"))) || nside <= 0)
    error, "missing/invalid NSIDE";
  if (is_void((firstpix = fits_get(h, "FIRSTPIX"))) || firstpix != 0)
    error, "missing/invalid FIRSTPIX";
  if (is_void((lastpix = fits_get(h, "LASTPIX"))) || lastpix < firstpix)
    error, "missing/invalid LASTPIX";
  if (is_void((lmax = fits_get(h, "MAX-LPOL"))) || lmax < 0)
    error, "missing/invalid LMAX";
  if (nside != lmax/2) error, "expecting NSIDE = LMAX/2";
  ptr = fits_read_bintable(h);
  if (numberof(ptr) != 1) error, "bad number of columns in FITS binary table";
  return (*ptr(1))(firstpix+1:lastpix+1);

func hmap_write (filename, map, overwrite=)
/* DOCUMENT alm_save_map, filename, map;
     Write Healpix map into FITS file FILENAME.
   SEE ALSO: hmap_read. */
  require, "fits2.i";

  /* Compute NSIDE and LMAX based on:
   *   numberof(MAP) = NPIXTOT = 12*NSIDE*NSIDE
   *   NSIDE = LMAX/2
  if (structof(map) == complex) error, "complex type not yet implemented";
  npix = numberof(map);
  nside = long(sqrt(npix/12.0) + 0.5);
  if (npix != 12*nside*nside) error, "bad number of elements in map";
  lmax = 2*nside;
  /* Put the map into a 1024×N array. */
  m = 1024;
  (data = array(float, m, (npix + m - 1)/m))(1:npix) = map(*);
  /* create new FITS file with empty primary HDU */
  h = fits_create(filename, extend=1, overwrite=overwrite);
  fits_write_header, h;
  /* append new HDU with BINTABLE data */
  fits_new_bintable, h, "A(l,m) data for Healpix";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT" ,"-----------------------------------------------";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT" ,"     Sky Map Pixelisation Specific Keywords    ";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT" ,"-----------------------------------------------";
  fits_set,h,"PIXTYPE" ,"HEALPIX","HEALPIX Pixelisation";
  fits_set,h,"ORDERING","RING","Pixel ordering scheme, either RING or NESTED";
  fits_set,h,"NSIDE"   ,nside,"Resolution parameter for HEALPIX";
  fits_set,h,"FIRSTPIX",0,"First pixel # (0 based)";
  fits_set,h,"LASTPIX", npix-1,"Last pixel # (0 based)";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT", "";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT", "-----------------------------------------------";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT", "     Planck Simulation Specific Keywords      ";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT", "-----------------------------------------------";
  fits_set,h,"EXTNAME", "SIMULATION";
  fits_set,h,"CREATOR", "Yorick", "Software creating the FITS file";
  fits_set,h,"MAX-LPOL",lmax,"Maximum multipole L used in map synthesis";
  fits_set,h,"COMMENT", "";
  fits_set,h,"TTYPE1",  "TEMPERATURE","temperature map";
  fits_set,h,"TUNIT1",  "K", "physical unit of map";

  /* Write binary table header and data. */ 
  fits_write_bintable, h, &data;
  return h;
