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 displays galaxy with componants using different colors  
interpreted function, defined at ./gadget.i   line 963  

interpreted function, defined at ./gadget.i   line 945  

   loads and   displays gadget binary format simulations  
   imin= minimum indice  
     imax= maximum indice  
     pers= perspective plot  
     vel= velocity plot (dodgy)  
     dens= isodensity plot  
     delay= delay between shots  
     jpg= saves picture  
     xrange= either e.g. 1e4 or [1e4,2e4]  
     yrange= ""         (by default equal xrange)  
     zrange= ""  
     sub = if non zero plots one particle in ten  
     npix = number of pixel for density maps  
     col = color plot w.r.t. depth  
     iso = 3D isocontour  
     isovel = 3D isocontour of vx 1 vy 2 vz componant  
     dir = directory for output  
     center= position of new frame center  
     notxt= if non void remove file name  
     cut = if non void returns subsim  
     nodisp = if non void doesn't plot anything  
     comp=  component filter (if void is equal to [1,1,1,1,1] (all parts displayed);  
            uses black blue red green cyan magenta)  
     rot= rotation (0=[x,y], 1=[y,z], 2=[z,x] )  
     flag= should contain a index range of particles to select  
     color= obvious  
     noerase= obvious  
interpreted function, defined at ./gadget.i   line 586  

   display a cluster of points in xyz projections  
interpreted function, defined at ./gadget.i   line 545  

             integral= simpson(function, a, b)  
          or integral= simpson(function, a, b, epsilon)  
     returns the integral of FUNCTION(x) from A to B.  If EPSILON is  
     given, Simpson's rule is refined until that fractional accuracy  
     is obtained.  EPSILON defaults to 1.e-6.  
     If the notvector= keyword is supplied and non-zero, then FUNCTION  
     may not be called with a list of x values to return a list of  
     results.  By default, FUNCTION is assumed to be a vector function.  
     If the function is very smooth, romberg may work better.  
interpreted function, defined at ./cosmo.i   line 331  
SEE ALSO: romberg,   max_doublings  

            T   splits tensor tens into  n^p subtensor  
    where p = dimsof(tens)(1) and returns  
    a tensor of dimension p+1 where the last index runs alongs  
    the subtensors; works in dimensions 2 to 5.  
interpreted function, defined at ./split.i   line 264  

            T   rebuild  tensor tens from  n^p subtensor  
interpreted function, defined at ./split.i   line 335  
SEE ALSO,   split,,   bsplit,,   vsplit,,   esplit