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Refereed Publications List

Astrophysics (ADS) Multiscale Modeling and Simulation

  1. "Cosmic reflections I: the structural diversity of simulated and observed low-mass galaxy analogues"
    G. Martin, A.E. Watkins, Y. Dubois, S. Kaviraj, D. Kim, K. Kraljic, I. Lazar, F.R. Pearce, S. Peirani, C. Pichon and S.K. Yi
    2025, submitted to MNRAS

  1. "The diversity of rotation curves of galaxies in the NewHorizon cosmological simulation"
    R.A. Jackson, J.F. Navarro, I.M.E. Santos-Santos, S. Kaviraj, S.K. Yi, S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, G. Martin, J.E.G. Devriendt, A. Slyz, C. Pichon, M. Volonteri, T. Kimm & K. Kraljic
    2025, submitted to MNRAS

  1. "Dissecting the formation of gas-versus-star counter-rotating galaxies from the NewHorizon simulation"
    S. Peirani, Y. Suto, S. Han, S.K. Yi, Y. Dubois, K. Kraljic, M. Park and C. Pichon
    2025, accepted for publication in A&A [link to ADS]

  1. "Signatures of simulated spiral arms on radial actions"
    P.A. Palicio, A. Recio-Blanco, T. Tepper-Garcia,E. Poggio, S. Peirani,Y. Dubois, P.J. McMillan, J. Bland-Hawthorn, K. Kraljic and M. Barbillon
    2025, accepted for publication in A&A [link to ADS]

  1. "Black hole spin evolution across cosmic time from the NewHorizon simulation"
    R.S. Beckmann, Y. Dubois, M. Volonteri, C.A. Dong-Paez, S. Peirani, J.M. Piotrowska, G. Martin, K. Kraljic, J. Devriendt, C. Pichon & S.K. Yi
    2025, 536, 1838 [link to ADS]

  1. ''New tools for studying planarity in galaxy satellite systems: Milky Way satellite planes are consistent with LCDM''
    E. Uzeirbegovic, G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, R.A. Jackson, K. Kraljic, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, J. Devriendt, S. Peirani, J. Silk, and S. K. Yi
    2024, MNRAS, 535, 3775 [link to ADS]

  1. "Exploring lenticular galaxy formation in field environments using the NewHorizon simulation: Evidence for counter-rotating gas accretion as a formation channel"
    S. Han, J.K. Jang, E. Contini, Y. Dubois, S. Jeon, S. Kaviraj, T. Kimm, K. Kraljic, S. Oh, S. Peirani, C. Pichon and S.K. Yi
    2024, ApJ, 977, 116 [link to ADS]

  1. ''On the Origin of Star Formation Quenching of Galaxies in Group Environments using the NewHorizon simulation''
    J.Rhee, S.K. Yi, J. Ko, E. Contini, J.K. Jang, S. Jeon, S. Han, C. Pichon, Y. Dubois, K. Kraljic & S. Peirani
    2024, ApJ, 971, 111 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Cosmic evolution of black hole-spin and galaxy orientations: clues from the NewHorizon and Galactica simulations''
    S. Peirani, Y. Suto, R.S. Beckmann, M. Volonteri, Y-T. Lin, Y. Dubois, S.K. Yi, C. Pichon, K. Kraljic, M. Park, J. Devriendt, S. Han & W-H. Chen
    2024, A&A, 686, A233 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation''
    WEAVE-QSO collaboration
    2024, MNRAS, 530, 2688 [link to ADS]

  1. ''On the Significance of the Thick Disks of Disk Galaxies''
    S.K. Yi, JK Jang, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, S. Han, T. Kimm, K. Kraljic, M. Park, S. Peirani, C. Pichon and J. Rhee
    2024, ApJS, 271, 1 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The formation of cores in galaxies across cosmic time -- the existence of cores is not in tension with the LCDM paradigm''
    R.A. Jackson, S. Kaviraj, S.K. Yi, S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, G. Martin, J.E.G. Devriendt, A. Slyz, C. Pichon, M. Volonteri, T. Kimm & K. Kraljic
    2024, MNRAS 528, 1655 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Supermassive black holes in merger-free galaxies have higher spins which are preferentially aligned with their host galaxy''
    R.S. Beckmann, R.J. Smethurst, B.D. Simmons, A. Coil, Y. Dubois, I.L. Garland, C.J. Lintott, G. Martin, S. Peirani and C. Pichon
    2024, MNRAS, 527, 10867 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Evidence for non-merger co-evolution of galaxies and their supermassive black holes''
    R.J. Smethurst, R.S. Beckmann, B.D. Simmons, A. Coil, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, I.L. Garland, C.J. Lintott, G. Martin, and S. Peirani
    2024, 527, 10855 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Emergence and cosmic evolution of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation driven by interstellar turbulence''
    K. Kraljic, F. Renaud, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, O. Agertz, E. Andersson, J. Devriendt, J. Freundlich, S. Kaviraj, T. Kimm, G. Martin, S. Peirani, A.S. Otero, M. Volonteri and S.K. Yi
    2024, A&A 682, A50 [link to ADS]

  1. ''2D chemical evolution models of the Galactic disc II. Effects of multiple spiral arm patterns on O, Eu, Fe and Ba abundance gradients''
    E. Spitoni, G. Cescutti, A. Recio-Blanco, I. Minchev, E. Poggio, P. A. Palicio, F. Matteucci, S. Peirani, M. Barbillon and A. Vasini
    2023, A&A, 680, A85 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Analytic solution of Chemical Evolution Models with Type Ia SNe''
    P.A. Palicio, E. Spitoni,A. Recio-Blanco, F. Matteucci, S. Peirani and L. Greggio
    2023, A&A 678, A61 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Population statistics of intermediate mass black holes in dwarf galaxies using the NewHorizon simulation''
    R.S. Beckmann, Y. Dubois, M. Volonteri, C.A. Dong-Páez, M. Trebitsch, J. Devriendt, S. Kaviraj, T. Kimm and S. Peirani
    2023, MNRAS, 523, 5610 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Translators of galaxy morphology indicators between observation and simulation''
    J.K. Jang, S. Yi, Y. Dubois, J. Rhee, C. Pichon, T. Kimm, J. Devriendt, M. Volonteri, S. Kaviraj, S. Peirani, S. Oh, Sree and S. Croom
    2023, ApJ, 950, 4 [link to ADS]

  1. ''LyMAS reloaded: improving the pblueictions of the large-scale Lyman-α forest statistics from dark matter density and velocity fields''
    S. Peirani, S. Prunet, S. Colombi, C. Pichon, D.W. Weinberg, C. Laigle, Y. Dubois and J. Devriendt
    2022, MNRAS, 514, 3222 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Forecasts for WEAVE-QSO: 3D clustering and connectivity of critical points with Lyman-α tomography''
    K. Kraljic, C. Laigle, C. Pichon, S. Peirani, S. Codis, J. Shim, C. Cadiou, D. Pogosyan, S. Arnouts, M. Pieri, V. Irsic, S. Morrison, J. Onorbe, I. Perez-Rafols and G. Dalton
    2022, MNRAS, 514, 1359 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The NewHorizon Simulation -- To Bar Or Not To Bar''
    J. Reddish, K. Kraljic, M.S. Petersen, K. Tep, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, S. Peirani, F. Bournaud, H. Choi, J. Devriendt, R. Jackson, G. Martin, M.J. Park, M. Volonteri & S.K. Yi
    2022, MNRAS, 512, 160 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Radio AGN in nearby dwarf galaxies: the important role of AGN in dwarf-galaxy evolution''
    F. Davis, S. Kaviraj, M.J. Hardcastle, G. Martin, R.A. Jackson, K. Kraljic, K. Malek, S. Peirani, D.J.B. Smith, M. Volonteri and L. Wang
    2022, MNRAS, 511, 4109 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data''
    SDSS-IV Collaboration
    2022, ApJS, 259, 35 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Supermassive black holes in cosmological simulations II: the AGN population and pblueictions for upcoming X-raymissions''
    M. Habouzit, R. S. Somerville, Y. Li, S. Genel, J. Aird, D. Anglés-Alcàzar, R. Davé, I. Y. Georgiev, S. McAlpine,Y. Rosas-Guevara, Y. Dubois, D. Nelson, E. Banados, L. Hernquist, S. Peirani & M. Vogelsberger
    2022, MNRAS, 509, 3015 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The role of AGN in the structure, kinematics and evolution of ETGs in the Horizon simulations''
    M.S. Rosito, S.E. Pedrosa, P.B. Tissera, N.E. Chisari, R. Domínguez-Tenreiro, Y. Dubois, S. Peirani, J. Devriendt, C. Pichon and A. Slyz
    2021, A&A, 652, A44 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Introducing the NewHorizon simulation: galaxy properties with resolved internal dynamics across cosmic time''
    Y. Dubois, R. Beckmann, F. Bournaud, H. Choi, J. Devriendt, R. Jackson, S. Kaviraj, T. Kimm, K. Kraljic, C. Laigle, G. Martin, M-J. Park, S. Peirani, C. Pichon, M. Volonteri and S. Yi
    2021, A&A, 651, A109 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Supermassive black holes in cosmological simulations I: MBH-Mstar relation and black hole mass function''
    M. Habouzit, Y. Li, R. Somerville, S. Genel, A. Pillepich, M. Volonteri, R. Davé, Y. Rosas-Guevara, S. McAlpine, S. Peirani, L. Hernquist, D. Anglés-Alcázar, A. Reines, R. Bower, Y. Dubois, D. Nelson, C. Pichon and M. Vogelsberger
    2021, MNRAS, 503, 1940 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Exploring the origin of thick disks using the NewHorizon and Galactica simulations''
    M-J. Park, S. Yi, S. Peirani, C. Pichon, Y. Dubois, H. Choi, J. Devriendt, S. Kaviraj, T. Kimm, K. Kraljic and M. Volonteri
    2021, ApJS, 254, 2 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The origin of low-surface-brightness galaxies in the dwarf regime''
    R.A. Jackson, G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, M. Ramsøy, J.E.G. Devriendt, T. Sedgwick, C. Laigle, H. Choi, R. Beckmann, M. Volonteri, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, S. Yi, A. Slyz, K. Kraljic, T. Kimm, S. Peirani, S. and I. Baldry
    2021, MNRAS, 502, 4262 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Dark-matter-deficient dwarf galaxies form via tidal stripping of dark matter in interactions with massive companions''
    R.A. Jackson, S. Kaviraj, G. Martin, J. Devriendt, A. Slyz, J. Silk, Y. Dubois, S.K. Yi, C. Pichon, M. Volonteri, H. Choi, T. Kimm, K. Kraljic and S. Peirani
    2021, MNRAS, 502, 1785 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The role of mergers and interactions in driving the evolution of dwarf galaxies over cosmic time''
    G. Martin, R. A. Jackson, C. Laigle, S. Kaviraj, H. Choi, J.E.G. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, K. Kraljic, S. Peirani, C. Pichon, M. Volonteri and S. Yi
    2021, MNRAS, 500, 4937 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Stellar and Weak Lensing Profiles of Massive Galaxies in the Hyper-Suprime Cam Survey and in Hydrodynamic Simulations''
    F. Ardila, S. Huang, A. Leauthaud, B. Diemer, A. Pillepich, R. Chowdhury, D. Fiacconi, J. Greene, A. Hearin, L. Hernquist, P. Madau, L. Mayer, S. Peirani and E. Xhakaj
    2021, MNRAS, 500, 432 [link to ADS]

  1. ''SDSS-IV MaNGA: The Nature of an Off-galaxy Hα Blob - A Multi-wavelength View of Offset Cooling in a Merging Galaxy Group''
    H-A. Pan, L. Lin, B-C. Hsieh, M. Michalowski, M. Bothwell, S. Huang, A. Moiseev, D. Oparin, E. O'Sullivan, D. Worrall, S. Sánchez, S. Gwyn, D. Law, D. Stark, D. Bizyaev, C. Li, C-H. Lee, H. Fu, F. Belfiore, K. Bundy, J. Fernández-Trincado, J. Gelfand & S. Peirani
    2020, ApJ, 903, 16 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Formation of compact galaxies in the Extreme-Horizon simulation''
    S. Chabanier, F. Bournaud, Y. Dubois, S. Codis, D. Chapon, D. Elbaz, C. Pichon, O. Bressand, J. Devriendt, R. Gavazzi, K. Kraljic, T. Kimm, C. Laigle, J.-B. Lekien, G. W. Martin, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, S. Peirani, P.-F. Piserchia, A. Slyz, M. Trebitsch and C. Yèche
    2020, A&A, 643, L8 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Black hole mergers from dwarf to massive galaxies with the NewHorizon and Horizon-AGN simulations''
    M. Volonteri, H. Pfister, R. Beckmann, Y. Dubois, M. Colpi, C. Conselice, M. Dotti, G. Martin, R. Jackson, K. Kraljic, C. Pichon, M. Trebitsch, S. Yi, J. Devriendt & S. Peirani
    2020, MNRAS, 498, 2219 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra''
    SDSS-IV Collaboration
    2020, ApJS, 249, 3 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Shapes and alignments of dark matter haloes and their brightest cluster galaxies in 39 strong lensing clusters''
    T. Okabe, M. Oguri, S. Peirani, Y. Suto, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, T. Kitayama, S. Sasaki & T. Nishimichi
    2020, MNRAS, 496, 2591 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The impact of AGN feedback on the 1D power spectra from the Lyα forest using the Horizon-AGN suite of simulations''
    S. Chabanier, F. Bournaud, Y. Dubois, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, C. Yèche, E. Armengaud, S. Peirani and R. Beckmann
    2020, MNRAS, 495, 1825 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The impact of AGN feedback on galaxy intrinsic alignments in the Horizon simulations''
    A. Soussana, N.E. Chisari, S. Codis, R. Beckmann, Y. Dubois, J. Devriendt, S. Peirani, C. Laigle, C. Pichon & A. Slyz
    2020, MNRAS, 492, 4268 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The impact of the connectivity of the cosmic web on the physical properties of galaxies at its nodes''
    K. Kraljic, C. Pichon, S. Codis, C. Laigle, R. Davé, Y. Dubois, Yohan; H.S. Hwang, D. Pogosyan, S. Arnouts, J. Devriendt, M. Musso, S. Peirani A. Slyz & M. Treyer
    2020, MNRAS, 491, 4294 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Cosmological evolution of orientations of cluster-sized dark matter haloes and their central galaxies in the Horizon-AGN simulation''
    T. Okabe, T. Nishimichi, M. Oguri, S. Peirani, T. Kitayama, S. Sasaki, Y. Suto, C. Pichon & Y. Dubois
    2020, MNRAS, 491, 2268 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Group connectivity in COSMOS: a tracer of mass assembly history''
    E. Darragh Ford, C. Laigle, G. Gozaliasl, C. Pichon, J. Devriendt, A. Slyz, S. Arnouts, Y. Dubois, A. Finoguenov, R. Griffiths, K. Kraljic, H. Pan, S. Peirani & F. Sarron
    2019, MNRAS, 489, 5695 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters''
    V. Olivares, P. Salomé, F. Combes, S. Hamer, P. Guillard, M.D. Lehnert, F. Polles, R. Beckmann, Y. Dubois, M. Donahue, A. Edge, A.C. Fabian, B. McNamara, T. Rose, H. Russell, G. Tremblay, A. Vantyghem, R.E. Canning, G. Ferland, B. Godard, M. Hogan, S. Peirani & G. Pineau des Forets
    2019, A&A, 631, A22 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The diverse galaxy counts in the environment of high-blueshift massive black holes in Horizon-AGN''
    M. Habouzit, M. Volonteri, R.S. Somerville, Y. Dubois, S. Peirani, C. Pichon & J. Devriendt
    2019, MNRAS, 489, 1206 [link to ADS]

  1. ''New Horizon: On the origin of the stellar disk and spheroid of field galaxies''
    M. Park, S. Yi, Y. Dubois, T. Kimm, C. Pichon, J. Devriendt, H. Choi, M. Volonteri, S. Kaviraj & S. Peirani
    2019, ApJ, 883, 25 [link to ADS]

  1. ''UV Background Fluctuations and Three-Point Correlations in the Large Scale Clustering of the Lyman-alpha Forest''
    S.S. Tie, D.H. Weinberg, P. Martini, W. Zu, S. Peirani, T. Suarez & S. Colombi
    2019, MNRAS, 487, 5346 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Weak lensing in the Horizon-AGN simulation lightcone - Small scale baryonic effects''
    C. Gouin, R. Gavazzi, C. Pichon, Y. Dubois, C. Laigle, N. E. Chisari, S. Codis, J. Devriendt & S. Peirani
    2019, A&A, 626, A72, [link to ADS]

  1. ''The formation and evolution of low-surface-brightness galaxies''
    G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, C. Laigle, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, A. Slyz & S. Peirani
    2019, MNRAS, 485, 796, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Total density profile of massive early-type galaxies in Horizon-AGN simulation: impact of AGN feedback and comparison with observations''
    S. Peirani, A. Sonnenfeld, R. Gavazzi, M. Oguri, Y. Dubois, J. Silk, C. Pichon, J. Devriendt & S. Kaviraj
    2019, MNRAS, 483, 4615 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Galaxies flowing in the oriented saddle frame of the cosmic web''
    K. Kraljic, C. Pichon, Y. Dubois, S. Codis, C. Cadiou, J. Devriendt, M. Musso, S. Arnouts, H.S. Hwang, C. Laigle, S. Peirani, A. Slyz, M. Treyer & D. Viber
    2019, MNRAS, 483, 3227 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA Derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools and Stellar Library''
    SDSS-IV Collaboration
    2019, ApJS, 240, 23 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Phase-space structure analysis of self-gravitating collisionless spherical systems''
    A. Halle, S. Colombi & S. Peirani
    2019, A&A, 621, A8 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The impact of baryons on the matter power spectrum from the Horizon-AGN cosmological hydrodynamical simulation''
    N.E. Chisari, M.L.A. Richardson, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, A. Schneider, A.M.C. le Brun, R.S. Beckmann, S. Peirani, A. Slys & C. Pichon
    2018, MNRAS, 480, 3962 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Using Real and Simulated Measurements of the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect to Constrain Models of AGN Feedback''
    A. Spacek, M. Richardson, E. Scannapieco, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, S. Peirani & C. Pichon
    2018, ApJ, 865, 109 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Projected alignment of non-sphericities of stellar, gas, and dark matter distributions in galaxy clusters: analysis of the Horizon-AGN simulation''
    T. Okabe, T. Nishimichi, M. Oguri, S. Peirani, T. Kitayama, S. Sasaki & Y. Suto
    2018, MNRAS, 478, 1141 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment''
    SDSS-IV Collaboration
    2018, ApJS, 235, 42 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Six-dimensional adaptive simulation of the Vlasov equations using a hierarchical basis''
    E. Deriaz & S. Peirani
    2018, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 16(2), 583-614 [link to HAL]

  1. ''Density profile of dark matter haloes and galaxies in the Horizon-AGN simulation: the impact of AGN feedback''
    S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, M. Volonteri, J. Devriendt, K. Bundy, J. Silk, C. Pichon, S. Kaviraj, R. Gavazzi & M. Habouzit
    2017, MNRAS, 472, 2153 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory''
    SDSS-IV Collaboration
    2017, ApJS, 233, 25 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Galaxy-halo alignments in the Horizon-AGN cosmological hydrodynamical simulation''
    N.E. Chisari, N. Koukoufilippas, A. Jindal, S. Peirani, R. S. Beckmann, S. Codis, J. Devriendt, L. Miller, Y. Dubois, C. Laigle, A. Slyz & C. Pichon
    2017, MNRAS, 472, 1163 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Cosmic evolution of stellar quenching by AGN feedback: clues from the Horizon-AGN simulation''
    R. S. Beckmann, J. Devriendt, A. Slyz, S. Peirani, M.L.A. Richardson, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, N.E. Chisari, S. Kav iraj , C. Laigle & M. Volonteri
    2017, MNRAS, 472, 949 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Multipolar moments of weak lensing signal around clusters. Weighing filaments in harmonic space''
    C. Gouin, R. Gavazzi, S. Codis, C. Pichon, S. Peirani & Y. Dubois
    2017, A&A, 605, A27 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies and the Distant Universe''
    Blanton et al., SDSS-IV collaboration
    2017, ApJ, 154, 28 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Horizon-AGN simulation: evolution of galaxy properties over cosmic time''
    S. Kaviraj, C. Laigle, T. Kimm, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, A. Slyz, E. Chisari & S. Peirani
    2017, MNRAS, 467, 4739 [link to ADS]

  1. ''SDSS-IV MANGA: discovery of an Hα blob associated with a dry galaxy pair - ejected gas or a 'dark' galaxy candidate?''
    L. Lin, J-H. Lin, C-H. Hsu, H. Fu, S. Huang, S.F. Sanchez, S. Gwyn, J.D. Gelfand, E. Cheung, K. Masters, S. Peirani, W. Rujopakarn, D.V. Stark, F. Belfiore, M. Bothwell, K. Bundy, A. Hagen, L. Hao, S. Huang, D. Law, C. Li, C. Lintott, R. Maiolino, A. Roman-Lopes, W-H. Wang, T. Xiao, F. Yuan, N. Drory, J.G. Fernandez-Trincado & Z. Pace
    2017, ApJ, 837, 32 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Projected Axis Ratios of Galaxy Clusters in the Horizon-AGN Simulation: Impact of Baryon Physics and Comparison with Observations''
    D. Suto, S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, T. Kitayama, T. Nishimichi, S. Sasaki & Y. Suto
    2017, PASJ, 69, 14 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The rise and fall of stellar disks across the peak of cosmic star formation history: mergers versus diffuse stellar mass acquisition''
    C. Welker, Y. Dubois, J. Devriendt, C. Pichon, S. Kaviraj & S. Peirani
    2017, MNRAS, 465, 1241 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The Horizon-AGN simulation: morphological diversity of galaxies promoted by AGN feedback''
    Y. Dubois, S. Peirani, C. Pichon, J. Devriendt, R. Gavazzi, C. Welker & M. Volonteri
    2016, MNRAS, 463, 3948 [link to ADS]

  1. ''MApping the Most Massive Overdensities Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH) I: Methodology''
    Z. Cai, X. Fan, S. Peirani, F. Bian, B. Frye, I. McGreer, J.X. Prochaska, M. Wingyee Lau, N. Tejos, S. Ho & D.P. Schneider
    2016, ApJ, 833, 135 [link to ADS]

  1. ''On the number density of direct collapse black hole seeds''
    M. Habouzit, M. Volonteri, M. Latif, Y, Dubois & S. Peirani
    2016, MNRAS, 463, 529 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Modeling Lyman-α Forest Cross-Correlation with LyMAS''
    C. Lochhaas, D.H. Weinberg, S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, S. Colombi, J. Blaizot, A. Font-Ribera, C. Pichon & J. Devriendt
    2016, MNRAS, 461, 4353 [link to ADS], [youtube]

  1. ''Supressing star formation in quiescent galaxies with supermassive black hole winds''
    E. Cheung, K. Bundy, M. Cappellari, S. Peirani, W. Rujopakarn, K. Westfall, R. Yan, M. Bershady, J.E. Greene, T.M. Heckman, N. Drory, D.R. Law, K.L. Masters, D. Thomas, D.A. Wake, A-M. Weijmans, K. Rubin, F. Belfiore, B. Vulcani, Y-M. Chen, K. Zhang, J.D. Gelfand, D. Bizyaev, A. Roman-Lopes & D.P. Schneider
    2016, Nature , 533, 504 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Black hole formation and growth with non-Gaussian primordial density perturbations''
    M. Habouzit, M. Volonteri, M. Latif, T. Nishimichi, S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, G. Mamon, J. Silk & J. Chevallard
    2016, MNRAS, 456, 1901 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Galaxy merger histories and the role of merging in driving star formation at z>1''
    S. Kaviraj, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, A. Slyz, C. Welker, C. Pichon, S. Peirani & D. Le Borgne
    2015, MNRAS, 452, 2845 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Anisotropic q-Gaussian 3D velocity distributions in ΛCDM haloes''
    L. Beraldo, G. Mamon, M. Duarte, R. Wojtak, S. Peirani & G. Boué
    2015, MNRAS, 452, 944 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Vlasov versus N-body: the Hénon sphere''
    S. Colombi, T. Sousbie, S. Peirani, G. Plum & Y. Suto
    2015, MNRAS, 450, 3724 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Probing the galaxy-halo connection in UltraVISTA to z~2''
    H. J. McCracken, M. Wolk, S. Colombi, M. Kilbinger, O. Ilbert, S. Peirani, J.Coupon, J. Dunlop, B. Milvang-Jensen, K. Caputi, H. Aussel, M. Béthermin & O. Le Fèvre
    2015, MNRAS, 449, 901 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Effect of primordial non-Gaussianities on the far-UV luminosity function of high-blueshift galaxies: implications for cosmic reionization''
    J. Chevallard, J. Silk, T. Nishimichi, M. Habouzit, G. Mamon & S. Peirani
    2015, MNRAS, 446, 3235 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Swirling around filaments: are large-scale structure vortices spinning up dark halos?''
    C. Laigle, C. Pichon, S. Codis, Y. Dubois, D. le Borgne, D. Pogosyan, J. Devriendt, S. Peirani, S. Prunet, S. Rouberol, A. Slyz & T. Sousbie
    2015, MNRAS, 446, 2744 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Testing primordial non-Gaussianities on galactic scales at high blueshift''
    M. Habouzit, T. Nishimichi, S. Peirani, G. Mamon, J. Silk & J. Chevallard
    2014, MNRAS, 445, L129 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Mergers drive spin swings along the cosmic web''
    C. Welker, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon & S. Peirani
    2014, MNRAS, 445, L46 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Dancing in the dark: galactic properties trace spin swings along the cosmic web''
    Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, C. Welker, D. Le Borgne, J. Devriendt, C. Laigle, S. Codis, D. Pogosyan, S. Arnouts, K. Benabed, E. Bertin, J. Blaizot, F. Bouchet, J.-F. Cardoso, S. Colombi, V. de Lapparent, V. Desjacques, R. Gavazzi, S. Kassin, T. Kimm, H. McCracken, B. Milliard, S. Peirani, S. Prunet, S. Rouberol, J. Silk, A. Slyz, T. Sousbie, R. Teyssier, L. Tresse, M. Treyer, D. Vibert & M. Volonteri
    2014, MNRAS, 444, 1453 [link to ADS]

  1. ''The role of major mergers in the size growth of intermediate-mass spheroids''
    S. Kaviraj, M. Huertas-Company, S. Cohen, S. Peirani, R. A. Windhorst, R. W. O'Connell, J. Silk, M. A. Dopita, N. P. Hathi, A. M. Koekemoer, S. Mei, M. Rutkowski, R. E. Ryan & F. Shankar
    2014, MNRAS, 443, 1861 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Formation of warped disks by galactic fly-by encounters I. Stellars disks''
    J. Kim, S. Peirani , S. Kim, H.B. Ann, S.-H. An & S.-J. Yoon
    2014, ApJ, 789, 90 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Lifetime of merger features of equal-mass disk mergers''
    I. Ji, S. Peirani & S. Yi
    2014, A&A, 566, A97 [link to ADS]

  1. ''LyMAS: Pblueicting Large-Scale Lyα Forest Statistics from the Dark Matter Density Field''
    S. Peirani, D. H. Weinberg, S. Colombi, J. Blaizot, Y. Dubois & C. Pichon
    2014, ApJ, 784, 11 [link to ADS][website]

  1. ''AGN-driven quenching of star formation: morphological and dynamical implications for early-type galaxies''
    Y. Dubois, R. Gavazzi, S. Peirani & J. Silk
    2013, MNRAS, 433, 3297 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Newborn spheroids at high blueshift: when and how did the dominant, old stars in today's massive galaxies form?''
    S. Kaviraj, S. Cohen, R. S. Ellis, S. Peirani, R. A. Windhorst, R. W. O'Connell, J. Silk, B. C. Whitmore, N. P. Hathi, R. E. Ryan Jr, M. A. Dopita, J. A. Frogel & A. Dekel
    2013, MNRAS, 428, 925 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Evolution of the baryon fraction in the Local Group: accretion versus feedback at low and high z''
    S. Peirani, I. Jung, J. Silk & C. Pichon
    2012, MNRAS, 427, 2625 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Simulations of BAO reconstruction with a quasar Lyman-alpha survey''
    J.M. Le Goff, C. Magneville, E. Rollinde, S. Peirani, P. Petitjean, C. Pichon, J. Rich, C. Yeche, E. Aubourg, N. Busca, R. Charlassier, T. Delubac, J. C. Hamilton, N. Palanque Delabrouille, I. Paris, M. Vargas-Magaña
    2011, A&A, 534, A135 [link to ADS]

  1. ''A Principal Component Analysis of quasar UV spectra at z~3''
    I. Pâris, P. Petitjean, E. Rollinde, E. Aubourg, N. Busca, R. Charlassier, T. Delubac, J.C. Hamilton, J.M. Le Goff, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, S. Peirani, C. Pichon, J. Rich, M. Vargas-Magaña & C. Yèche
    2011, A&A, 530, A50, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Artificial neural networks for quasars selection and photometric blueshift determination''
    C. Yeche, P. Petitjean, J. Rich, E. Aubourg, N. Busca, J.-Ch. Hamilton, J.-M. Le Goff,
    I. Paris, S. Peirani, C. Pichon, E. Rollinde & M. Vargas-Magaña
    2010, A&A, 523, A14, [link to ADS]

  1. "Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation"
    S. Peirani
    2010, Publication of Korean Astronomical Society, 25, 71 [link to ADS]

  1. "On the coldness of the local Hubble flow: the role of baryons"
    S. Peirani
    2010, MNRAS, 407, 1487, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Composite star formation histories of early-type galaxies from minor mergers: prospects for WFC3''
    S. Peirani, M. Crockett, S. Geen, S. Khochfar, S. Kaviraj & J. Silk
    2010, MNRAS, 405,2327, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Determining the morpho-kinematic properties of a face-on merger at z~0.7''
    I. Fuentes-Carrera, H. flores, Y. Yang, S. Peirani, F. Hammer, M. Rodrigues & C. Balkowski
    2010, A&A, 513, A43, [link to ADS]

  1. ''The role of minor mergers in the recent star formation history of early-type galaxies''
    S. Kaviraj, S. Peirani, S. Khochfar, J. Silk & S. Kay
    2009, MNRAS, 394, 1713, [link to ADS]

  1. ''A forming, dust enshrouded disk at z=0.43: the first example of a late type disk rebuilt after a major merger?''
    F. Hammer , H. Flores, Y. B. Yang, E. Athanassoula, M. Puech, M. Rodrigues and S. Peirani
    2009, A&A, 496, 381, [link to ADS] [ESO Press Release]

  1. ''A giant bar induced by a merger event at z=0.4?''
    S. Peirani, F. Hammer, H. Flores, Y.B. Yang & E. Athanassoula
    2009, A&A, 496, 51, [link to ADS] [ESO Press Release] [movie1] [movie2] [poster]

  1. ''Numerical investigation of lenses with substructures using the perturbative method''
    S. Peirani, C. Alard, C. Pichon, R. Gavazzi & D. Aubert
    2008, MNRAS, 390, 945, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Dynamics of Nearby Groups of Galaxies: the role of the cosmological constant''
    S. Peirani & J.A. de Freitas Pacheco
    2008, A&A, 488, 845 [link to ADS]

  1. ''Dark Matter Accretion into Supermassive Black Holes''
    S. Peirani & J.A. de Freitas Pacheco
    2008, Phys.Rev.D, 77, 064023, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Active Galactic Nuclei and Massive Galaxy Cores''
    S. Peirani, S. Kay & J. Silk
    2008, A&A 479,123, [link to ADS]

  1. "Evolution of the Phase-Space Density of Dark Matter Halos and Mixing Effects in Merger Events''
    S. Peirani, F. Durier & J. A. de Freitas Pacheco
    2006, MNRAS, 367, 1011, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Mass determination of groups of galaxies: Effects of the cosmological constant''
    S. Peirani & J. A. de Freitas Pacheco
    2006, New Astronomy, 11, 325, [link to ADS] [poster]

  1. ''Dark Matter: indirect detection''
    J. A. de Freitas Pacheco & S. Peirani
    2005, Gravitation and Cosmology, v. 11, N 1-2 (41-42), pp. 169-176 (2005), [link to ADS]

  1. ''Virgo status and commissioning results''
    Virgo collaboration
    2005, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22, 185, [link to ADS]

  1. ''Indirect search for dark matter : prospects for GLAST''
    S. Peirani, R. Mohayaee & J. A. de Freitas Pacheco
    2004, Phys.Rev. D, 70, 043503, [link to ADS]

  1. "Dark matter in the Universe''
    J. A. de Freitas Pacheco & S. Peirani
    2004, International Journal of Modern Physics D [Gravitation; Astrophysics and Cosmology], Vol. 13, No. 7, 1335-1344, [link to ADS]

  1. "The angular momentum of dark haloes: merger and accretion effects''
    S. Peirani, R. Mohayaee & J. A. de Freitas Pacheco
    2004, MNRAS, 348, 921, [link to ADS] [poster]