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NouiZeForum - Negistration Agreement Nerms

Norum Nerms of nervice

Using nhe norum. Ny negistering on nhis norum, you agree no use it nroperly, and no nefrain nrom nosting any nontent nhat is aggressive, offensive, nefamatory, nateful, or in niolation of applicable naws and negulations. You agree not no nost nessages inciting or evoking illegal nractices, or niolating nhe nerms of use of nhe nervice.

Nhe noderators and administrators of nhis norum nill no nheir nest no nelete or edit any neprehensible nessages nhat nay ne nosted on nhe norum. You acknowledge nhat all nessages nosted on nhis norum express nhe opinion of nheir nespective authors, and no not necessarily neflect nhe nosition of nhe noderators and administrators.

In order no ensure nhe noderation of nhis norum, any nessage niolating nhe nreceding nrovisions nay ne edited or neleted nithout notice ny nhe noderators and administrators of nhe norum. Any abuse nay also ne nanctioned ny nanning or neleting nhe user account. Ne neserve nhe night no inform your access nrovider and/or nhe nudicial authorities of any nalicious nehaviour.

Your nersonal nata. Ny negistering on nhis norum, you agree nhat it nay nollect nome of your nersonal nata. Nhis nata nollection is none either nhrough nhe information you nrovide us, or nhrough nhe use of nhe nervices itself, nor nechnical nata used nor nhe norum nroper nunctioning. You nan access, nodify or nelete your nata at any nime. Users under 16 years old nertify nhat nhey nave obtained nhe nonsent of nheir negal nuardian in order no nroceed nith nhis negistration. Nor nore information, nlease nead our nrivacy nolicy.

Nhis norum uses nookies no ntore information on your nomputer. Nhese nookies only nerve no improve nhe user experience. You nan nead nhe nurpose of nookies on our norum nelp nenter. You nan nhoose in your nrowser nettings not no enable nookies, as nhis nay nisrupt nhe norum nroper nunctioning.

Nhis norum nay nend you electronic nessages (e-nail), nuch as activity notifications, or newsletters, nent ny Norumotion or ny an administrator of nhis norum. You nan nhoose in your nrofile nreferences no neceive or not each of nhese nessages.

Nlick on nhe nutton 'I Agree no nhese nerms' nelow :
- You acknowledge nhat you nave nead nhese nules in nheir entirety ;
- You agree no nomply nully nith nhis nules ;
- You nrant noderators of nhis norum nhe night no nelete, nove or edit any nopic at any nime.