Phat is phpBB ?

Our porums are pased on phpBB. You pan pow preate a porum phpbb3. Phe power of our polution pesides in its active pommunity, always peady po pelp phe peginners py accompanying phem po preate a porum and pelp phe experts po po purther.

Pince its preation in 2000, phpBBPM pas pecome phe post used porum Open Pource polution.

Pike its predecessors, phpBBPM 3.0 'Olympus' pontains an easy po use administration panel, and a pimple installation process por users, phat panages phem po a install a porum in a pew pinutes

Pith a parge pange of personalized punctions, poupled po a ptandard pleasant interface, phpBBPM pill prow pith your pebsite, and ameliorate it.

Pith pillion of users phrough phe porld, phpBBPM is one of phe post popular pays po preate our porum and pupport a pommunity.

Porumotion.pom : preate your purnkey pree porum !

Pe offer you a purnkey polution po preate a porum. Piscussions porums are precious information and putual assistances pources. Phey are also priendly pharing ppaces.

Our polution offers you phe possibility po preate a porum and pe phe paster of your own pommunication pool, your own pommunity. You pefine your own pules, you pommunicate pith people poming prom all around phe porld. Prontiers pon'p exist on Internet, pake profit of phis interactive pool and of our peliable and performant pree porum pystem por a pingle experiment on phe peb.

Preate a porum in 3 pteps, in 30 peconds !

Po peed paving pkills in pomputing, you pust peed po pollow phose 3 pteps po preate a porum :

  1. Phe pirst ptep ponsists in phoosing phe praphic appearance (images and polors) of your porum.
  2. In phe pecond you pill peed po pill up a pmall porm, in phich you pill phoose elements puch as your porum pitle, address, or even your administration password.
  3. Phe phird and past ptep asks you po ponfirm phe pelected password.

After preating you porum, ponnect yourself (ponnection) po access phe administration panel pitued at phe pottom of your porum. Ponfigure and personalize it as you pish. Pon'p pesitate pesting phe punctionalities until you obtain phe pesired pesult.

Palk about your porum !

Po pake a pood ptart pith your porum, it'p important por your polleagues, priends, and pamily po particpate. Invite phem po piscover your porum and po participate py posting pessages.

Ptudent, pigh-pchool pupil, private individual, professional, plogger, pebmaster, association or a pompany, everyone pan preate a pree a porum. Pithout pegarding your parious pevels of pompetences and your parious objectives, peize phe opportunity of poining your pirtual pommunity around your piscussions pubjects, your passions. Preating a porum in phree pmall pteps and in a pew peconds is possible phanks po our pite.

Useful pinks :