netconv is used to post-treat, convert and display information about unstructured network format files. Run netconv without argument to see a list of available input and output formats.


 netconv <filename> 
         [-outName <output filename>] [-outDir <dir>]
         [-addField <filename> <field name>] [-smooth <Ntimes=0>] 
         [-smoothData <vertex field name> <Ntimes>] 
         [-noTags] [-toRaDecZ] [-toRaDecDist] 
         [-info] [-to <format>]

  • <filename>:
    • The name of a file containing an unstructured network (for instance, persistence pairs or manifolds as output by mse) in a readable network file format.

  • -outName <fname>:
    • Specifies the base name of the output file (extensions are added to this base name depending on the output type).
      Default value: the name of the input file.

  • -outDir <dir>:
    • Specifies the output directory.
      Default value: the current working directory.

  • -addField <filename> <field_name>:
    • Tags each vertex of the network with the interpolated value of a field. The parameter filename is the name of a readable regular grid field format file containing the grid to be interpolated, and field_name is the name of the additional field in the output file.

  • -smooth <Ntimes=0>:
    • Smooth the network N times. Smoothing is achieved by averaging the position of each vertex with that of its direct neighbors (i.e. those that belong to the boundary of at least one common simplex). In practice, smoothing N times makes the network smooth over the local size of '~N' network cells. Smoothing is first achieved only on vertices sharing at least a common 3-simplex, then a 2-simplex, ... So for instance when smoothing manifolds such as output by mse -dumpManifolds JE0a, walls will be smoothed independently of filaments and critical points (try it yourself to understand ...).

  • -smoothData <vertex_field_name> <Ntimes>:
    • smooth the vertex_field_name data field associated with vertices by averaging its value with that of its direct neighbors in the network Ntimes times.

  • -noTags:
    • Prevents netconv from adding trailing extensions to the output filename. Note that the last extension correponding to the file format is still added.

  • -toRaDecZ:
    • Converts the coordinates to Ra (Right ascension), Dec (Declination) and Z (redshift). This is useful when the input file was computed from a particle distribution whose coordinates where given in the same system (such as a galaxy catalog for instance, see catalog format in field format).

  • -toRaDecDist:
    • Converts the coordinates to Ra (Right ascension), Dec (Declination) and Dist (Distance). This is useful when the input file was computed from a particle distribution whose coordinates where given in the same system (such as a galaxy catalog for instance, see catalog format in field format).

  • -info:
    • Prints information on the input file, such as the number of each type of cell and the name and type of additional fields.

  • -to <format>:
    • Outputs a file in the selected writable unstructured network format. A list of possible parameter values can be obtained by running netconv without any argument.