Bandeau-IAP IAP


Prior to the PLUS:

  • "Evolution of the baryon fraction in the Local Group: accretion versus feedback at low and high z"
    S. Peirani, I. Jung, J. Silk & C. Pichon
    2012, MNRAS, 427, 2625 [paper]
  • "The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue"
    G. Lavaux & B. Wandelt
    2011, MNRAS, 416, 2840 , [paper]

  • "On the coldness of the local Hubble flow: the role of baryons"
    S. Peirani
    2010, MNRAS, 407, 1487, [paper]
  • "Precision constrained simulation of the local Universe"
    G. Lavaux
    2010, MNRAS, 406, 1007, [paper]
  • Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris  |  Contact: peirani AT