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"Origine et Evolution des Galaxies"
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Résumé d'un journal-club

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13 juin 2013 The South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey (SCUSS)

The South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey (SCUSS) is an international cooperative project between National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, USA. We plan to perform a sky survey of about 3700 square degree field of the south Galactic cap in u-band (3550 A) with the 2.3 m BOK telescope, which belongs to the Steward Observatory, University of Arizona and it is located on the Kitt Peak. The telescope equipped with four 4Kx4K CCD mosaic and the field of view is one square degree. The exposure time is 5 minutes and the limiting magnitude will reach about 23 mag (S/N= 5). The progress of the observation, data reduction and related scientific research work will be describe in this talk.

Xu Zhou
National Astron. Obs. (NAOC), Chine

Image : Champ profond D1 du relevé Legacy du Télescope Canada-France-Hawaï (CFHTLS)
Centre de traitement des données TERAPIX (CNRS/INSU - IAP - CEA)