Groupe de Recherche
"Origine et Evolution des Galaxies"
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Résumé d'un journal-club

Date Sujet Présenté par
24 mai 2007 Bursty stellar populations and obscured AGN in local galaxy bulges: an SDSS perspective

A popular model for the coevolution of bulges and supermassive black holes is one in which a galaxy merger leads to the inflow of gas which fuels a strong starburst, followed by an AGN phase in which the black hole grows significantly. I will present some recent results on the stellar populations of AGN hosts in the SDSS spectroscopic galaxy catalogue, which use a new, high signal-to-noise ratio spectral diagnostic of recent star formation history.
Vivienne Wild
MPA, Garching

Image : Champ profond D1 du relevé Legacy du Télescope Canada-France-Hawaï (CFHTLS)
Centre de traitement des données TERAPIX (CNRS/INSU - IAP - CEA)