1st measures of Ωm=0.3 from groups of galaxies using
internal galaxy motions (corrected for collapsing state of groups in
1993) and baryonic fraction
(from X-rays, Henriksen &
Mamon 1994)
Initiator of 6dFGS
spectroscopic survey
(Jones et al.
2004 and 2009)
1st measure of 6D distribution function of ΛCDM halos in separable terms of
energy and angular momentum
Łokas, Mamon et al. 2008)
1st measure of the intrinsic (1-halo term) galaxy number density profile of
groups and clusters of galaxies: ≈ NFW out to 13 virial radii
(Trevisan, Mamon
& Stalder 2017)
Mass - Orbit Modeling of Internal Motions
1st algorithms for velocity anisotropy inversion of spherical systems of known
mass profile
(Binney &
Mamon 1982) and mass inversion for spherical systems of known velocity
anisotropy profile
(Mamon &
Boué 2010)
1stbreaking of mass / velocity anisotropy degeneracy in a cluster of
& Mamon 2003)
Rapid and versatile Bayesian algorithm (MAMPOSSt) to break mass / velocity
anisotropy degeneracy in near-spherical systems
(Mamon, Biviano
& Boué 2013): 2nd lowest RMS errors among 23 algorithms
on cluster masses (M200) in challenge on mock clusters, where best
algorithm was another of mine
(Old, Wojtak,
Mamon et al. 2015)
Red galaxies have more concentrated halos than blue galaxies of same
stellar or halo mass: 1st direct evidence of galaxy assembly bias
(Wojtak &
Mamon 2013)
Cluster galaxy orbits are isotropic in the inner regions, regardless of
morphological type, and increasingly radial in the outer regions from
ellipticals to S0s to spirals
(Mamon et al. 2019)
1st joint measure of mass and extent of a concentration of compact
objects (white dwarfs, neutron stars and stellar-mass
black holes) in the inner parts of a core-collapsed globular cluster
(Vitral & Mamon 2021)
Compact Groups of Galaxies
Hickson Compact Groups are heavily contaminated by chance alignments of
galaxies along line-of-sight
1986), but 2/3 of mock Compact Groups selected with Hickson criteria are
physically dense
& Mamon 2010) or less than half
et al. 2020)
1st group sample that shows strong signs of luminosity
segregation and wide gap at bright-end of luminosity function
(Díaz-Giménez, Mamon et al. 2012)
Discovery of nearest HCG-like compact group: in the Virgo cluster
(Mamon 1989) and
1stdirect measurement of nature of a compact group ([same
group] is a chance projection,
Galaxy Formation
1st realization of cooling catastrophe: feedback mechanisms are required
to prevent too much star formation in galaxies
Valls-Gabaud & Mamon 1992)
1st determination of main mechansim for mass acquisition of galaxies
from cosmological simulations with sufficient mass resolution
(gEs: dry major mergers, dEs and spirals: gas
accretion, Cattaneo,
Mamon et
al. 2011)
1stanalytical calculation of rate of direct mergers of galaxies in
(Mamon 1992)
Semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with ram pressure stripping: little
effect on frequency of S0 galaxies
Guiderdoni, Mamon et al. 2005)
1st calculation of how far galaxies bounce out of clusters:
1-2.5 rvir (Mamon et
al. 2004)
Giant elliptical galaxies cannot have NFW-like total mass profiles: the
stellar component dominates dark matter in the inner regions
(Mamon &
Łokas 2005a)
Stars in envelopes of giant ellipticals travel along very elongated
(Dekel et
al. 2005)
Discovery of a new class of compact elliptical galaxy between UCDs
and cEs
& Mamon 2008)
Circumstellar Chemistry
1stcomplex photochemistry / radiative transfer calculations for
circumstellar envelopes
Glassgold & Omont 1987)
1st calculation of enhanced self-shielding of CO in circumstellar
envelopes of carbon-rich stars
Glassgold & Huggins 1988)
1st prediction of in-situ formation of H2O in circumstellar
envelopes of Young Stellar Objects
Mamon & Huggins 1991)