(version 2003)
Gustavo BRUZUAL & Stéphane CHARLOT
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GALAXEV 2003 documentation file
GALAXEV 2003 software package (source code)
Models: Padova (1994, RECOMMENDED), Chabrier IMF (72 MB)
Models: Padova (1994, RECOMMENDED), Salpeter IMF (72 MB)
Library of galaxy template spectra (1.3 MB)
Bruzual & Charlot (2003, MNRAS, 344, 1000) paper (5.4 MB)
Models: Padova (2000, NOT favored), Chabrier IMF (72 MB)
Models: Padova (2000, NOT favored), Salpeter IMF (72 MB)
Models: Pickles library, Padova (1994, 2000), both IMF's (32 MB)
Models: Geneva (1994), Chabrier IMF (23 MB)
Models: Geneva (1994), Salpeter IMF (23 MB)
Send email to both
if you encounter difficulties in running the models or if you have suggestions for improving GALAXEV.
We favor models computed using the Padova 1994
evolutionary tracks
over those computed using the Padova 2000 evolutionary tracks for the reasons outlined in Section 3.1 and footnote 6 of Bruzual & Charlot (2003, MNRAS, in press).
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Last software update: 22 August 2003. Click for log of software updates