Content: 1) CalFUSE v3.0 Now the Default Pipeline - including for Archiving to MAST. 2) ** Cycle 6 Proposal Deadline September 17, 2004 ** 3) The FUSE Conference in Victoria 4) Pictures sought from the Victoria meeting. 1) CalFUSE v3.0 Now the Default Pipeline - including for Archiving to MAST. The newest version of the FUSE calibration pipeline, CalFUSE v3.0.7, is now available for general use. Note also, that as of August 25, 2004, data archived to MAST will have been processed by this new pipeline version. Users should note that there are several changes to both the data processing and the file formats and contents between CalFUSE v2.4 and CalFUSE v3.0, which we summarize below. CalFUSE v3.0 differs from previous versions in that it maintains the data as a photon list (called an intermediate data file, or IDF) throughout the pipeline. Bad photons are flagged but not discarded, so the user can sort, filter, and combine data without re-running the pipeline. To this end, Don Lindler has written a new IDL tool, CF_EDIT, that allows the user to display, manipulate, and combine IDF files. Both IDF and extracted spectral files are now available from MAST. The new pipeline is available on the FUSE FTP site: Please note the files INTRO_TO_CalFUSEv3.0.7 and INSTALLING_CalFUSEv3.0.7 CF_EDIT is available on the FUSE IDL Tools web page: # # Note: Before downloading CalFUSE, please send a blank e-mail to # with the subject line "GOT CALFUSE". # We'll save your address and send you information about future # software updates or bug reports. Thanks! # We will be writing documentation for CalFUSE v3.0 throughout the fall. Check for updates on the CalFUSE home page: If you are not yet ready to upgrade to CalFUSE v3.0, new calibration files for CalFUSE v2.4 are available on the FUSE FTP site. See the file NEW_CAL_v2.4.4 for more information. Note: if you obtained a pre-release copy of v3.0.7, please download the latest edition, as it has changed substantially in recent weeks. CalFUSE v3.0: Files and Formats The format of the output spectral files produced by CalFUSE v3.0 and available from MAST differs slightly from that of earlier versions of the pipeline. First, FUSE spectra are extracted only for the target aperture. Non-target extractions are not currently supported by the software. Second, the spectra are binned in wavelength to 0.013 A, or about two detector pixels. As a result, the output arrays are no longer 16384 elements in length. Third, the arrays are stored in a new format: instead of writing WAVE, FLUX, ERROR for each detector pixel, we write the entire wavelength array, then the flux array, then the error array, etc. As a result, elements of individual arrays must be addressed using the syntax idl> print,a.wave[3:30] -- not "a[3:30].wave" as before. Fourth, some of the spectral arrays and their meanings have changed. The new arrays are float WAVE Wavelength (Angstroms) float FLUX Flux (erg/cm2/s/A) float ERROR Gaussian errors (erg/cm2/s/A) int COUNTS Raw counts in extraction window float WEIGHTS Raw counts corrected for deadtime, etc. float BKGD Estimated background in extraction window short QUALITY Percentage of window used for extraction In earlier versions of the pipeline, the counts array was background- subtracted. Now it is an integer representing the number of raw counts in the extraction window. The WEIGHTS and BKGD arrays are generated by the optimal-extraction routine. As a result, the WEIGHTS array is not necessarily a scaled version of the COUNTS array, and the BKGD array is not likely to be smooth. They are related to the FLUX array as follows: TARGET_COUNTS = WEIGHTS - BKGD TARGET_FLUX = TARGET_COUNTS * HC / LAMBDA / AEFF / EXPTIME / WPC, where AEFF is effective area in cm2 and WPC is the size of an output pixel in Angstroms. The QUALITY array no longer lists the number of Y pixels that contribute to each output X pixel. Instead, it is the fraction of the extraction window considered to contain valid data, expressed as a percentage (0 is all bad; 100 is all good). 2) ** Cycle 6 Proposal Deadline September 17, 2004 ** The deadline for submitting FUSE cycle 6 observing proposals is September 17, 2004. As usual, a complete submission requires three separate steps: 1 - Fill in and submit the Cover Page/Proposal Summary through the NASA Peer Review Services web site ( 2 - Submit 12 formatted paper copies, including a cover page signed by the PI, to NASA Peer Review Services (full address in the proposal instructions). 3 - E-mail the completed LaTeX proposal form to For further details please see: 3) The FUSE Conference in Victoria The conference "Astrophysics in the Far Ultraviolet - Five Years of Discovery with FUSE" took place August 2-6 at the University of Victoria, B.C. Based on our impressions and those of the people we talked with, it was unanimously viewed as a great success. The FUSE project wishes to thank everyone involved, as organizers, presenters, or attendees, for helping make it a productive and memorable meeting. In particular we extend a warm "Thank You!" to John Hutchings and his Local Organizing Committee for a job very well done. Contributions to the conference proceedings are due by October 1, 2004. Detailed information about the proceedings and instructions for down-loading style and template files etc., can be found at: We have posted the conference group photo at: A larger version, including identifications, can be downloaded from that site. We have identified all but two of the 115 participants who were present at the taking of the picture. We ask that you help us 1) verify our identifications and 2) complete the list by telling us who the two remaining unknowns are. Please send any corrections or new IDs to 4) Pictures sought from the Victoria meeting. As part of editing the conference proceedings, we are looking for pictures taken at the meeting, appropriate to use to fill empty half-pages and as spacers between papers or between chapters. Subjects can include participants, events or vistas from the meeting. Please e-mail us at if you have pictures you'd be willing to let us use in the proceedings and/or on the FUSE home page. Due to the typical size of image files, we ask that you do not attach you pictures to the e-mail. We'll provide instructions in a return e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Observer's Electronic Newsletter is published by the FUSE project and is aimed at the FUSE user community. Editor: B-G Andersson, FUSE Guest Investigator Officer. The FUSE Project is managed by Johns Hopkins University's Center for Astrophysical Sciences in Baltimore, MD, for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The FUSE Principal Investigator is Dr. Warren Moos, the FUSE Program Manager at JHU is Mr. Randy Ewing, and the NASA Project Scientist for FUSE is Dr. George Sonneborn. Further information about the FUSE Guest Investigator Program can be obtained from: Dr. George Sonneborn; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------