Contents: 1) FUSE 3-Year Launch Anniversary on June 24! 2) FUSE Sky Soverage, Present and Future 3) Observing Efficiency High. 4) A-axis controller 5) Additional Observatory Programs Selected 6) CalFUSE News 7) Cycle 4 Update 8) FUSE Operations Presentations Given at the AAS, Albuquerque Meeting 1) FUSE 3-Year Launch Anniversary on June 24! On June 24, we will celebrate the third anniversary of the FUSE launch. As the events of the last six months have shown, on-orbit operations is not a guaranteed thing. We take this opportunity to recognize our dedicated operations staff as well as all of the scientists and engineers responsible for the recovery of science operations after the reaction wheel anomaly. Here's to many more years of scientific productivity with FUSE! 2) FUSE Sky Coverage, Present and Future As we learn more about how to use the new attitude control system, implement new software, and optimize parameters, we are regaining more and more of the sky as accessible to FUSE observations. Presently, about 75% of the sky is available over the course of a year. This includes all points above absolute declination ~40 degrees, as well as substantial parts of the sky at low declinations. We have since April successfully observed several low declination targets, including sources at 8 degrees declination. Due to overlapping restrictions cause by lack of magnetic torque authority, low beta angle avoidance, and RAM zone avoidance, a region of about 1 steradian at low declination around RA=12h remains unavailable at present. We are working on several ways to improve the sky coverage further and do expect to regain 100% availability at some time in the future. The main modifications we foresee that will allow us to further increase the sky availability are: - Smaller RAM Avoidance Zone By 2004, three years past Solar Max., the atmospheric density at FUSE's altitude is expected to have dropped by a factor ~100, allowing a significant reduction - or elimination - of the RAM avoidance zone. This alone will improve sky coverage to nearly 100%. - Improved Momentum Unloading Algorithms The Magnetic Torquer Bars now provide both attitude control along one axis and momentum unloading for the remaining reaction wheels. Improved algorithms for this dual role are expected to increase the instantaneous sky coverage by up to a factor 2. - Spacecraft Roll Offsets By offsetting the spacecraft roll by up to ~15 degrees, larger windows of positive torque authority will become available. - Use of Partially Stable Orbits For orbits where the only loss of fine pointing control occurs during target occultation by the Earth, normal observations may still be possible and will further extend the sky availability. We still encourage FUSE users to give priority to high absolute declination targets, since low declination observations will remain a more limited resource and require more manual intervention in planning. Prospective cycle 4 proposers should note that we will post an update to the mission capabilities (as described in appendix A of the NRA), as an NRA amendment no later than 30 days prior to the proposal submission deadline (see item 7 below). 3) Observing Efficiency is High. Even as the project has been working to recover full sky coverage, we have encouraged observers to consider target changes to higher absolute declinations. This is partly because operations are more straightforward closer to the orbit poles. However, a hidden bonus is that targets tend to have longer visibility intervals and shorter occultations, making observing more efficient. This effect can be clearly seen in recent science observing efficiency numbers. Over the first two cycles of science operations, the FUSE project achieved an average of 28% science efficiency. (This is on-target observing time against the wall clock.) This is an excellent number for a low-earth orbiting mission, because the earth typically blocks targets from view more than half the time. Since operations resumed after recovery from the recent reaction wheel problems, our efficiency has shot up to 35% over the last 4 months! Over 300 unique targets have been observed during this time, for a total of some 3.2 million seconds of science data. This is roughly 640,000 seconds more science data than would have been achieved over the same period at 28% efficiency! This indicates that higher declination observations have a benefit above and beyond making operations easier. 4) Pointing Drift due to Magnetic-Axis Controller FUSE pointing is now controlled by reaction wheels on two axes and magnetic torquer bars on the third. Pointing performance for the axes controlled by reaction wheels is unchanged at 0.3 arcsec RMS. However, magnetic axis performance is somewhat different in two regards. a) The high-frequency component (jitter) is roughly twice as large (about 0.6 arcsec RMS). This has a negligible effect on the instrument spectral resolution. b) There is also a larger, low-frequency component of motion with a period of half an orbit. The magnitude of this component varies with the angle of the line-of-sight from the orbit pole, from about 1 arcsecond near the poles to a worst case of about 6 arcseconds (12 arcsec peak-to-peak) at pole angles near 45 degrees. This motion occurs in a direction 45 degrees to the dispersion direction, and can in principle affect the derived spectral resolution slightly. The effect is correctable for LWRS time-tag data and should be small enough to have little impact on LWRS histograms, which are kept short anyway because of thermal effects. We expect to be able to greatly reduce this effect in coming months by tuning parameters in the attitude control system. Also, the CalFUSE pipeline is being taught to remove the effect on the data whenever it can. However, users of MDRS and HIRS apertures may experience some impacts from these additional motions and should check their data carefully. If you have any questions, please contact 5) Additional Observatory Programs Selected As we discussed in the last FUSE Newsletter (#19), we have instituted a class of "Observatory Programs" (OP) to help maintain high scheduling efficiency of scientific observations. In response to the call for further such survey class projects, we received several good suggestions. Based on the submitted suggestions the Project Scientist have defined 5 further OPs. These are: Z907 AGN/IGM extragalactic targets Z908 Vela SNR Z909 Blue compact dwarf galaxies Z910 Cataclysmic variables Z911 Planetary nebulae Z912 Completing the FUSE OB star atlas These programs contain approximately 50, 4, 5, 50, 60 & 24 targets, respectively. We are currently in the process of ingesting these programs into the mission planning system. A list of targets as well as a short abstract for each OP can be found at: Note that all observations of OP targets go public immediately upon archiving and that you can track the performed observations either using the MAST web site at STScI, or by consulting our list at the above URL. 6) CalFUSE News - New Background Calibration Files A new set of background calibration files designed for observations obtained since 19 Feb 2002, when the FUSE detector high voltage was last raised, are now available on the FUSE FTP site ( ). The data are stored as a gzipped tar file, bkgd2002.tar.gz. The file contains four calibration files, bkgd**, which should be placed in the directory calfuse/v2.1/calfiles, and a new master_calib_file.dat, which should be moved to calfuse/v2.1/parmfiles. In addition, the file contains a new version of cf_make_ttag_bkgd.c, which corrects a bug that caused the program to crash when RUN_MKBK and RUN_BKGD are set to 'NO' in the parm*.fit files. The file should be placed in the directory calfuse/v2.1/src/fuv. To install the file, type "make install". NOTE: The new background files for segments 1A, 1B, and 2B work well. The file for segment 2A is less satisfactory because the high voltage was changed several times between February and mid-April. After mid-April, the voltage of segment 2A was returned to the pre-February value. In our tests, neither the old (version 008) nor the new segment 2A background file gives an exceptional fit to data obtained after mid-April, but the new one does a slightly better job, and we recommend its use. We plan to refine this file as we obtain more data. For more information on the change in detector voltage with time, see the FUSE white paper "Time-Dependent FUSE Calibration Effects" at . - Time-Dependent Flux Calibration Repeated observations of standard white-dwarf stars indicate that the sensitivity of FUSE remained remarkably stable over the first two years of the mission. Since the middle of 2001, however, we have noticed a slow degradation in the effective area of the FUSE spectrograph. The decline is more or less wavelength independent and affects all channels at roughly the 10% level (though it may be higher for LiF 2A). A time-dependent version of the flux calibration that takes into account this degradation is now in development. We will provide more information as it becomes available. - New FUSE Data to Be Processed with CalFUSE v2.1 Beginning in early July, we will reduce all new FUSE observations with CalFUSE version 2.1.6. The pipeline will include all software updates made available since the general release of v2.1 as well as a jitter-correction module to counter the effects of spacecraft motion during an exposure. Users should see a dramatic improvement in the quality of FUSE data obtained from MAST once the new software is in place. Reprocessing of the entire FUSE dataset with CalFUSE v2.1.7 will begin in early autumn. 7) Cycle 4 Update The FUSE cycle 4 NRA is in the final approval process at NASA HQ. The preliminary cycle 4 schedule looks as follows: Cycle 4 NRA Release: mid-July 2002 Cycle 4 Proposal Deadline: early October 2002 Cycle 4 Proposal Selection: February 2003 Cycle 4 Observations Begin: April 2003 The nominal Cycle 4 period is from 1 April 2003 through 31 March 2004. 8) FUSE Operations Presentations Given at the AAS, Albuquerque Meeting Several members of the FUSE Mission Operations team gave talks at the recent AAS meeting in Albuquerque on the recovery of the mission after the reaction wheel anomalies. For those of you who could not attend the meeting, we have posted these presentations on the FUSE/JHU web site: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Observer's Electronic Newsletter is published by the FUSE project and is aimed at the FUSE user community. Editor: B-G Andersson, FUSE Guest Investigator Officer. The FUSE Project is managed by Johns Hopkins University's Center for Astrophysical Sciences in Baltimore, MD, for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The FUSE Principal Investigator is Dr. Warren Moos, the FUSE Project Manager at JHU is Mr. J.B. Joyce, and the NASA Project Scientist for FUSE is Dr. George Sonneborn. Further information about the FUSE Guest Investigator Program can be obtained from: Dr. George Sonneborn; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------